the list below does not include unpublished arXiv submissions: for a complete record, click here (link to arXiv)
no. | authors | title | journal | | arXiv | pub.PDF | remarks |
80 | Minagawa, S; Mohammady, MH; Sakai, K; Kato, K; Buscemi, F | Universal validity of the second law of information thermodynamics | npj Quantum Information 11, 18 (14pp) | 7 February 2025 | 2308.15558 | on Eurekalert | |
79 | Nagasawa, T; Kato, K; Wakakuwa, E; Buscemi, F | Generic increase of observational entropy in isolated systems | Physical Review Research, vol. 6, 043327 | 27 December 2024 | 2404.11985 | ||
78 | Bai, G; Šafránek, D; Schindler, J; Buscemi, F; Scarani, V | Observational entropy with general quantum priors | Quantum 8, 1524 (17pp) | 14 November 2024 | 2308.08763 | ||
77 | Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F | Tight conic approximation of testing regions for quantum statistical models and measurements | Physics Letters A, vol. 526, 129959 (7pp) | 3 October 2024 | 2309.16153 | ||
76 | Dall'Arno, M; Tosini, A; Buscemi, F | The signaling dimension in generalized probabilistic theories | Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 24(5&6), 411-424 | April 2024 | 2311.13103 | ||
75 | Parzygnat, AJ; Fullwood, J; Buscemi, F; Chiribella, G | Virtual quantum broadcasting | Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, 110203 (8pp) | March 12, 2024 | 2310.13049 | Featured in various news outlets | |
74 | Buscemi, F; Kobayashi, K; Minagawa, S | A complete and operational resource theory of measurement sharpness | Quantum 8, 1235 (23pp) | January 25, 2024 | 2303.07737 | ||
73 | Ducuara, AF; Skrzypczyk, P; Buscemi, F; Sidajaya, P; Scarani, V | Maxwell’s Demon walks into Wall Street: Stochastic thermodynamics meets expected utility theory | Physical Review Letters, vol. 131, 197103 (6pp) | November 9, 2023 | 2306.00449 | Paul's talk at QIP2024 (also) about this | |
72 | Chakraborty, S; Nema, A; Buscemi, F | Generalized resource theory of purity: one-shot purity distillation with local noisy operations and one way classical communication | 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) | August 22, 2023 | 2208.05628 | ||
71 | Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Koshiba, T | Computing the quantum guesswork: a quadratic assignment problem | Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 23(9&10), 721-732 | July 2023 | 2112.01666 | ||
70 | Buscemi, F; Kobayashi, K; Minagawa, S; Perinotti, P; Tosini, A | Unifying different notions of quantum incompatibility into a strict hierarchy of resource theories of communication | Quantum 7, 1035 (25pp) | June 7, 2023 | 2211.09226 | ||
69 | Parzygnat, AJ; Buscemi, F | Axioms for retrodiction: achieving time-reversal symmetry with a prior | Quantum 7, 1013 (31pp) | May 23, 2023 | 2210.13531 | Arthur's talk about this | |
68 | Buscemi, F; Schindler, J; Šafránek, D | Observational entropy, coarse-grained states, and the Petz recovery map: information-theoretic properties and bounds | New Journal of Physics, vol. 25, 053002 (21pp) | May 5, 2023 | 2209.03803 | ||
67 | Minagawa, S; Arai, H; Buscemi, F | Von Neumann's information engine without the spectral theorem | Physical Review Research, vol. 4, 033091 (9pp) | August 1, 2022 | 2203.05258 | ||
66 | Danageozian, A; Wilde, MM; Buscemi, F | Thermodynamic Constraints on Quantum Information Gain and Error Correction: A Triple Trade-Off | PRX Quantum, vol. 3, 020318 (21pp) | April 26, 2022 | 2112.05100 | ||
65 | Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Koshiba, T | Guesswork of a quantum ensemble | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 68(5), pp. 3139-3143 | January 26, 2022 | 2012.09350 | Featured in various news outlets | |
64 | Aw, CC; Buscemi, F; Scarani, V | Fluctuation theorems with retrodiction rather than reverse processes | AVS Quantum Science, vol. 3, 045601 (9pp) | October 6, 2021 | 2106.08589 | AVS Quantum Science Featured Paper | |
63 | Buscemi, F; Scarani, V | Fluctuation relations from Bayesian retrodiction | Physical Review E, vol. 103, 052111 (8pp) | May 6, 2021 | 2009.02849 | Featured in a CQT Highlight | |
62 | Dall'Arno, M; Brandsen, S; Buscemi, F | Explicit construction of optimal witnesses for input–output correlations attainable by quantum channels | Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 27, no. 4, 2050017 (23pp) | April 29, 2021 | 2009.00866 | ||
61 | Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Bisio, A; Tosini, A | Data-driven inference, reconstruction, and observational completeness of quantum devices | Physical Review A, vol. 102, 062407 (13pp) | December 11, 2020 | 1812.08470 | ||
60 | Rosset, D; Schmid, D; Buscemi, F | Type-independent characterization of spacelike separated resources | Physical Review Letters, vol. 125, 210402 (7pp) | November 17, 2020 | 1911.12462 | PRL Highlights and Editors' Suggestion | |
59 | Zhou, W; Buscemi, F | General state transitions with exact resource morphisms: a unified resource-theoretic approach | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 53, 445303 (19pp) | October 9, 2020 | 2005.09188 | ||
58 | Buscemi, F; Fujiwara, D; Mitsui, N; Rotondo, M | Thermodynamic reverse bounds for general open quantum processes | Physical Review A, vol. 102, 032210 (6pp) | September 10, 2020 | 2003.08548 | Python code for the plots available at this link | |
57 | Zhen, Y-Z; Mao, Y; Chen, K; Buscemi, F; Dahlsten, O | Unified Approach to Witness Nonentanglement-Breaking Quantum Channels | Physical Review A, vol. 101, 062301 (8pp) | June 1, 2020 | 1912.10605 | ||
56 | Schmid, D; Rosset, D; Buscemi, F | The type-independent resource theory of local operations and shared randomness | Quantum 4, 262 (17pp) | April 30, 2020 | 1909.04065 | Featured in a Perspective article on Quantum (link) | |
55 | Buscemi, F; Chitambar, E; Zhou, W | A Complete Resource Theory of Quantum Incompatibility as Quantum Programmability | Physical Review Letters, vol. 124, 120401 (5pp) | March 24, 2020 | 1908.11274 | ||
54 | Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Scarani, V | Extension of the Alberti-Uhlmann criterion beyond qubit dichotomies | Quantum 4, 233 (10pp) | February 20, 2020 | 1910.04294 | ||
53 | Regula, B; Narasimhachar, V; Buscemi, F; Gu, M | Coherence manipulation with dephasing-covariant operations | Physical Review Research 2, 013109 (10pp) | January 31, 2020 | 1907.08606 | ||
52 | Buscemi, F; Sutter, D; Tomamichel, M | An information-theoretic treatment of quantum dichotomies | Quantum 3, 209 (18pp) | December 12, 2019 | 1907.08539 | ||
51 | Buscemi, F; Dall'Arno, M | Data-driven inference of physical devices: theory and implementation | New Journal of Physics, vol. 21, 113029 (12pp) | November 14, 2019 | 1805.01159 | ||
50 | Agresti, I; Poderini, D; Carvacho, G; Sarra, L; Chaves, R; Buscemi, F; Dall’Arno, M; Sciarrino F | Experimental semi-device-independent tests of quantum channels | Quantum Science and Technology 4, 035004 (9pp) | May 20, 2019 | 1806.00380 | ||
49 | Gour, G; Jennings, D; Buscemi, F; Duan, R; Marvian, I | Quantum majorization and a complete set of entropic conditions for quantum thermodynamics | Nature Communications 9, 5352 (9pp) | December 17, 2018 | 1708.04302 | the precursor paper (unpublished) is available on the arXiv | |
48 | Buscemi, F | Reverse Data-Processing Theorems and Computational Second Laws | Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 261, 135-159 | November 3, 2018 | 1607.08335 | Proceedings of Nagoya Winter Workshop NWW2015 | |
47 | Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F | Tradeoff relations between accessible information, informational power, and purity | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 65(4), pp. 2614-2622 | October 9, 2018 | 1801.05185 | ||
46 | Rosset, D; Buscemi, F; Liang Y-C | Resource Theory of Quantum Memories and Their Faithful Verification with Minimal Assumptions | Physical Review X, vol. 8, 021033 (15pp) | May 8, 2018 | 1710.04710 | featured on APS PhysicsBuzz Blog,, and "Inside the Perimeter" Blog | |
45 | Buscemi, F | Comparison of noisy channels and reverse data-processing theorems | 2017 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Kaohsiung, 2017, 489-493 | February 1, 2018 | 1803.02945 | ||
44 | Dall'Arno, M; Tosini, A; Brandsen, S; Buscemi, F; Vedral, V | No-hypersignaling principle | Physical Review Letters, vol. 119, 020401 (7pp) | July 14, 2017 | 1609.09237 | PRL Highlights and Editors' Suggestion | |
43 | Dall'Arno, M; Brandsen, S; Buscemi, F; Vedral, V | Device-independent tests of quantum measurements | Physical Review Letters, vol. 118, 250501 (5pp) | June 22, 2017 | 1609.07846 | ||
42 | Dall'Arno, M; Brandsen, S; Buscemi, F | Device-independent tests of quantum channels | Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473, 20160721 (16pp) | March 15, 2017 | 1606.02799 | ||
41 | Buscemi, F; Gour, G | Quantum relative Lorenz curves | Physical Review A 95, 012110 (12pp) | January 9, 2017 | 1607.05735 | ||
40 | Buscemi, F | Degradable channels, less noisy channels, and quantum statistical morphisms: an equivalence relation | Problems of Information Transmission 52(3), 201-213 | October 19, 2016 | 1511.08893 | Russian translation available here | |
39 | Sulyok, G; Sponar, S; Demirel, B; Buscemi, F; Hall, MJW; Ozawa, M; Hasegawa, Y | Erratum: Experimental Test of Entropic Noise-Disturbance Uncertainty Relations for Spin-1/2 Measurements [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 030401 (2015)] | Physical Review Letters, vol. 117, 069903 (2pp) | August 5, 2016 | Reason for erratum: one theoretical claim corrected; experimental conclusions unchanged | ||
38 | Buscemi, F; Das, S; Wilde, MM | Approximate reversibility in the context of entropy gain, information gain, and complete positivity | Physical Review A, vol. 93, 062304 (11pp) | June 13, 2016 | 1601.01207 | ||
37 | Buscemi, F; Datta, N | Equivalence between divisibility and monotonic decrease of information in classical and quantum stochastic processes | Physical Review A, vol. 93, 012101 (7pp) | January 4, 2016 | 1408.7062 | ||
36 | Sulyok, G; Sponar, S; Demirel, B; Buscemi, F; Hall, MJW; Ozawa, M; Hasegawa, Y | Experimental test of entropic noise-disturbance uncertainty relations for spin-1/2 measurements | Physical Review Letters, vol. 115, 030401 (5pp) | July 13, 2015 | 1504.04200 | PRL Editors' Suggestion | |
35 | Buscemi, F; Dall'Arno, M; Ozawa, M; Vedral, V | Universal Optimal Quantum Correlator | International Journal of Quantum Information, vol. 12 (7-8), 1560002 (4pp) | October 28, 2014 | 1409.2237 | ||
34 | Buscemi, F | On complete positivity, Markovianity, and the quantum data-processing inequality, in the presence of initial system-environment correlations | Physical Review Letters, vol. 113, 140502 (5pp) | October 3, 2014 | 1307.0363 | ||
33 | Buscemi, F; Datta, N; Strelchuk, S | Game-theoretic characterization of antidegradable channels | Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 55 (9), 092202 (14pp) | September 23, 2014 | 1404.0277 | ||
32 | Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Ozawa, M | Tight bounds on accessible information and informational power | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 47, 235302 (12pp) | May 20, 2014 | 1402.0602 | Selected for J. Phys. A "Highlights of 2014" | |
31 | Buscemi, F; Hall, MJW; Ozawa, M; Wilde, MM | Noise and disturbance in quantum measurements: an information-theoretic approach | Physical Review Letters, vol. 112, 050401 (5pp) | February 4, 2014 | 1310.6603 | Top 1% Highly Cited Paper (according to Web of Science, as of Jan/Feb 2016) | |
30 | Buscemi, F; Datta, N | General theory of assisted entanglement distillation | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59 (3), pp.1940-1954 | February 12, 2013 | 1009.4464 | ||
29 | Wilde, MM; Hayden, P; Buscemi, F; Hsieh, M-H | The information-theoretic costs of simulating quantum measurements | Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 45, 453001 (67pp) | October 18, 2012 | 1206.4121 | Topical Review | |
28 | Buscemi, F | All Entangled Quantum States Are Nonlocal | Physical Review Letters, vol. 108, 200401 (5pp) | May 14, 2012 | 1106.6095 | Selected for a Viewpoint in APS Physics (link) and a PRL Editors' Suggestion | |
27 | Buscemi, F | Comparison of quantum statistical models: equivalent conditions for sufficiency | Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 310, pp.625-647 | March 1, 2012 | 1004.3794 | ||
26 | Buscemi, F; Datta, N | Entanglement cost in practical scenarios | Physical Review Letters, vol. 106, 130503 (4pp) | March 30, 2011 | 0906.3698 | ||
25 | Buscemi, F; Datta, N | Distilling entanglement from arbitrary resources | Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 51 (10), 102201 (18pp) | October 11, 2010 | 1006.1896 | ||
24 | Buscemi, F; Datta, N | The quantum capacity of channels with arbitrarily correlated noise | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56 (3), pp.1447-1460 | March 11, 2010 | 0902.0158 | ||
23 | Buscemi, F | Private quantum decoupling and secure disposal of information | New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, 123002 (17pp) | December 1, 2009 | 0901.4506 | ||
22 | Buscemi, F; Gour, G; Kim JS | Polygamy of Distributed Entanglement | Physical Review A, vol. 80, 012324 (8pp) | July 20, 2009 | 0903.4413 | ||
21 | Buscemi, F; Horodecki, M | Towards a unified approach to information-disturbance tradeoffs in quantum measurements | Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 16 (1), pp.29-48 | March 1, 2009 | 0810.1310 | ||
20 | Buscemi, F; Hayashi, M; Horodecki, M | Global information balance in quantum measurements | Physical Review Letters, vol. 100, 210504 (4pp) | May 30, 2008 | quant-ph/0702166 | ||
19 | Buscemi, F | Irreversibility of entanglement loss | Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5106, pp.16-28 | February 29, 2008 | 0802.4327 | ||
18 | Buscemi, F; Hayashi, M; Horodecki, M | Information extraction versus reversibility in quantum measurement processes | International Journal of Quantum Information, vol. 6 (Supplement), pp.613-619 | February 27, 2008 | |||
17 | Buscemi, F | Entanglement measures and approximate quantum error correction | Physical Review A, vol. 77, 012309 (7pp) | January 9, 2008 | 0706.1815 | ||
16 | Buscemi, F | Channel correction via quantum erasure | Physical Review Letters, vol. 99, 180501 (4pp) | October 29, 2007 | quant-ph/0611111 | ||
15 | Buscemi, F; Chiribella, G; D'Ariano, GM | Quantum erasure of decoherence | Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 14 (1), pp.53-61 | March 7, 2007 | quant-ph/0611070 | ||
14 | Buscemi, F; Sacchi, MF | A minimum-disturbing quantum state discriminator | Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 14 (1), pp.17-24 | March 7, 2007 | quant-ph/0610232 | ||
13 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C | Economical realization of phase covariant devices in arbitrary dimensions | Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 24 (2), pp.363-370 | January 26, 2007 | quant-ph/0606120 | Invited contribution | |
12 | Chiribella, G; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C; Perinotti, P; Buscemi, F | Superbroadcasting and classical information | Physical Review A, vol. 75, 012315 (8pp) | January 12, 2007 | quant-ph/0608153 | ||
11 | Buscemi, F; Sacchi, MF | Information-Disturbance Tradeoff in Quantum State Discrimination | Physical Review A, vol. 74, 052320 (5pp) | November 14, 2006 | quant-ph/0610196 | ||
10 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C; Perinotti, P | Universal and phase covariant superbroadcasting for mixed qubit states | Physical Review A, vol. 74, 042309 (14pp) | October 12, 2006 | quant-ph/0602125 | ||
9 | Buscemi, F | On the minimum number of unitaries needed to describe a random-unitary channel | Physics Letters A, vol. 360 (2), pp.256-258 | August 22, 2006 | quant-ph/0607034 | ||
8 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C | Optimal Time-Reversal of Multi-phase Equatorial States | Physical Review A, vol. 72, 062311 (5pp) | December 8, 2005 | quant-ph/0504016 | ||
7 | Buscemi, F; Chiribella, G; D'Ariano, GM | Inverting quantum decoherence by classical feedback from the environment | Physical Review Letters, vol. 95, 090501 (4pp) | August 23, 2005 | quant-ph/0504195 | ||
6 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Keyl, M; Perinotti, P; Werner RF | Clean Positive Operator Valued Measures | Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 46 (8), 082109 (18pp) | August 17, 2005 | quant-ph/0505095 | ||
5 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C | Economical Phase-Covariant Cloning of Qudits | Physical Review A, vol. 71, 042327 (7pp) | April 19, 2005 | quant-ph/0407103 | ||
4 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Perinotti, P | There exist non orthogonal quantum measurements that are perfectly repeatable | Physical Review Letters, vol. 92, 070403 (4pp) | February 19, 2004 | quant-ph/0310041 | ||
3 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Sacchi, MF | Physical realizations of quantum operations | Physical Review A, vol. 68, 042113 (7pp) | October 23, 2003 | quant-ph/0305180 | ||
2 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Perinotti, P; Sacchi, MF | Optimal realization of the transposition map | Physics Letters A, vol. 314 (5-6), pp.374-379 | June 16, 2003 | quant-ph/0304175 | ||
1 | Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Sacchi, MF | Unitary realizations of the ideal phase measurement | Physics Letters A, vol. 312 (5-6), pp.315-318 | April 24, 2003 | quant-ph/0304071 |