Francesco Buscemi - List of Publications

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no. authors title journal arXiv pub.PDF remarks
77 Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F Tight conic approximation of testing regions for quantum statistical models and measurements Physics Letters A, vol. 526, 129959 (7pp) 3 October 2024 2309.16153 PDF
76 Dall'Arno, M; Tosini, A; Buscemi, F The signaling dimension in generalized probabilistic theories Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 24(5&6), 411-424 April 2024 2311.13103 PDF
75 Parzygnat, AJ; Fullwood, J; Buscemi, F; Chiribella, G Virtual quantum broadcasting Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, 110203 (8pp) March 12, 2024 2310.13049 PDF Featured in various news outlets
74 Buscemi, F; Kobayashi, K; Minagawa, S A complete and operational resource theory of measurement sharpness Quantum 8, 1235 (23pp) January 25, 2024 2303.07737 PDF
73 Ducuara, AF; Skrzypczyk, P; Buscemi, F; Sidajaya, P; Scarani, V Maxwell’s Demon walks into Wall Street: Stochastic thermodynamics meets expected utility theory Physical Review Letters, vol. 131, 197103 (6pp) November 9, 2023 2306.00449 PDF Paul's talk at QIP2024 (also) about this
72 Chakraborty, S; Nema, A; Buscemi, F Generalized resource theory of purity: one-shot purity distillation with local noisy operations and one way classical communication 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) August 22, 2023 2208.05628 PDF
71 Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Koshiba, T Computing the quantum guesswork: a quadratic assignment problem Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 23(9&10), 721-732 July 2023 2112.01666 PDF
70 Buscemi, F; Kobayashi, K; Minagawa, S; Perinotti, P; Tosini, A Unifying different notions of quantum incompatibility into a strict hierarchy of resource theories of communication Quantum 7, 1035 (25pp) June 7, 2023 2211.09226 PDF
69 Parzygnat, AJ; Buscemi, F Axioms for retrodiction: achieving time-reversal symmetry with a prior Quantum 7, 1013 (31pp) May 23, 2023 2210.13531 PDF Arthur's talk about this
68 Buscemi, F; Schindler, J; Šafránek, D Observational entropy, coarse-grained states, and the Petz recovery map: information-theoretic properties and bounds New Journal of Physics, vol. 25, 053002 (21pp) May 5, 2023 2209.03803 PDF
67 Minagawa, S; Arai, H; Buscemi, F Von Neumann's information engine without the spectral theorem Physical Review Research, vol. 4, 033091 (9pp) August 1, 2022 2203.05258 PDF
66 Danageozian, A; Wilde, MM; Buscemi, F Thermodynamic Constraints on Quantum Information Gain and Error Correction: A Triple Trade-Off PRX Quantum, vol. 3, 020318 (21pp) April 26, 2022 2112.05100 PDF
65 Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Koshiba, T Guesswork of a quantum ensemble IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 68(5), pp. 3139-3143 January 26, 2022 2012.09350 PDF Featured in various news outlets
64 Aw, CC; Buscemi, F; Scarani, V Fluctuation theorems with retrodiction rather than reverse processes AVS Quantum Science, vol. 3, 045601 (9pp) October 6, 2021 2106.08589 PDF AVS Quantum Science Featured Paper
63 Buscemi, F; Scarani, V Fluctuation relations from Bayesian retrodiction Physical Review E, vol. 103, 052111 (8pp) May 6, 2021 2009.02849 PDF Featured in a CQT Highlight
62 Dall'Arno, M; Brandsen, S; Buscemi, F Explicit construction of optimal witnesses for input–output correlations attainable by quantum channels Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 27, no. 4, 2050017 (23pp) April 29, 2021 2009.00866 PDF
61 Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Bisio, A; Tosini, A Data-driven inference, reconstruction, and observational completeness of quantum devices Physical Review A, vol. 102, 062407 (13pp) December 11, 2020 1812.08470 PDF
60 Rosset, D; Schmid, D; Buscemi, F Type-independent characterization of spacelike separated resources Physical Review Letters, vol. 125, 210402 (7pp) November 17, 2020 1911.12462 PDF PRL Highlights and Editors' Suggestion
59 Zhou, W; Buscemi, F General state transitions with exact resource morphisms: a unified resource-theoretic approach Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 53, 445303 (19pp) October 9, 2020 2005.09188 PDF
58 Buscemi, F; Fujiwara, D; Mitsui, N; Rotondo, M Thermodynamic reverse bounds for general open quantum processes Physical Review A, vol. 102, 032210 (6pp) September 10, 2020 2003.08548 PDF Python code for the plots available at this link
57 Zhen, Y-Z; Mao, Y; Chen, K; Buscemi, F; Dahlsten, O Unified Approach to Witness Nonentanglement-Breaking Quantum Channels Physical Review A, vol. 101, 062301 (8pp) June 1, 2020 1912.10605 PDF
56 Schmid, D; Rosset, D; Buscemi, F The type-independent resource theory of local operations and shared randomness Quantum 4, 262 (17pp) April 30, 2020 1909.04065 PDF Featured in a Perspective article on Quantum (link)
55 Buscemi, F; Chitambar, E; Zhou, W A Complete Resource Theory of Quantum Incompatibility as Quantum Programmability Physical Review Letters, vol. 124, 120401 (5pp) March 24, 2020 1908.11274 PDF
54 Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Scarani, V Extension of the Alberti-Ulhmann criterion beyond qubit dichotomies Quantum 4, 233 (10pp) February 20, 2020 1910.04294 PDF
53 Regula, B; Narasimhachar, V; Buscemi, F; Gu, M Coherence manipulation with dephasing-covariant operations Physical Review Research 2, 013109 (10pp) January 31, 2020 1907.08606 PDF
52 Buscemi, F; Sutter, D; Tomamichel, M An information-theoretic treatment of quantum dichotomies Quantum 3, 209 (18pp) December 12, 2019 1907.08539 PDF
51 Buscemi, F; Dall'Arno, M Data-driven inference of physical devices: theory and implementation New Journal of Physics, vol. 21, 113029 (12pp) November 14, 2019 1805.01159 PDF
50 Agresti, I; Poderini, D; Carvacho, G; Sarra, L; Chaves, R; Buscemi, F; Dall’Arno, M; Sciarrino F Experimental semi-device-independent tests of quantum channels Quantum Science and Technology 4, 035004 (9pp) May 20, 2019 1806.00380
49 Gour, G; Jennings, D; Buscemi, F; Duan, R; Marvian, I Quantum majorization and a complete set of entropic conditions for quantum thermodynamics Nature Communications 9, 5352 (9pp) December 17, 2018 1708.04302 PDF the precursor paper (unpublished) is available on the arXiv
48 Buscemi, F Reverse Data-Processing Theorems and Computational Second Laws Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 261, 135-159 November 3, 2018 1607.08335 Proceedings of Nagoya Winter Workshop NWW2015
47 Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F Tradeoff relations between accessible information, informational power, and purity IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 65(4), pp. 2614-2622 October 9, 2018 1801.05185 PDF
46 Rosset, D; Buscemi, F; Liang Y-C Resource Theory of Quantum Memories and Their Faithful Verification with Minimal Assumptions Physical Review X, vol. 8, 021033 (15pp) May 8, 2018 1710.04710 PDF featured on APS PhysicsBuzz Blog,, and "Inside the Perimeter" Blog
45 Buscemi, F Comparison of noisy channels and reverse data-processing theorems 2017 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Kaohsiung, 2017, 489-493 February 1, 2018 1803.02945 PDF
44 Dall'Arno, M; Tosini, A; Brandsen, S; Buscemi, F; Vedral, V No-hypersignaling principle Physical Review Letters, vol. 119, 020401 (7pp) July 14, 2017 1609.09237 PDF PRL Highlights and Editors' Suggestion
43 Dall'Arno, M; Brandsen, S; Buscemi, F; Vedral, V Device-independent tests of quantum measurements Physical Review Letters, vol. 118, 250501 (5pp) June 22, 2017 1609.07846 PDF
42 Dall'Arno, M; Brandsen, S; Buscemi, F Device-independent tests of quantum channels Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473, 20160721 (16pp) March 15, 2017 1606.02799 PDF
41 Buscemi, F; Gour, G Quantum relative Lorenz curves Physical Review A 95, 012110 (12pp) January 9, 2017 1607.05735 PDF
40 Buscemi, F Degradable channels, less noisy channels, and quantum statistical morphisms: an equivalence relation Problems of Information Transmission 52(3), 201-213 October 19, 2016 1511.08893 PDF Russian translation available here
39 Sulyok, G; Sponar, S; Demirel, B; Buscemi, F; Hall, MJW; Ozawa, M; Hasegawa, Y Erratum: Experimental Test of Entropic Noise-Disturbance Uncertainty Relations for Spin-1/2 Measurements [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 030401 (2015)] Physical Review Letters, vol. 117, 069903 (2pp) August 5, 2016 PDF Reason for erratum: one theoretical claim corrected; experimental conclusions unchanged
38 Buscemi, F; Das, S; Wilde, MM Approximate reversibility in the context of entropy gain, information gain, and complete positivity Physical Review A, vol. 93, 062304 (11pp) June 13, 2016 1601.01207 PDF
37 Buscemi, F; Datta, N Equivalence between divisibility and monotonic decrease of information in classical and quantum stochastic processes Physical Review A, vol. 93, 012101 (7pp) January 4, 2016 1408.7062 PDF
36 Sulyok, G; Sponar, S; Demirel, B; Buscemi, F; Hall, MJW; Ozawa, M; Hasegawa, Y Experimental test of entropic noise-disturbance uncertainty relations for spin-1/2 measurements Physical Review Letters, vol. 115, 030401 (5pp) July 13, 2015 1504.04200 PDF PRL Editors' Suggestion
35 Buscemi, F; Dall'Arno, M; Ozawa, M; Vedral, V Universal Optimal Quantum Correlator International Journal of Quantum Information, vol. 12 (7-8), 1560002 (4pp) October 28, 2014 1409.2237 PDF
34 Buscemi, F On complete positivity, Markovianity, and the quantum data-processing inequality, in the presence of initial system-environment correlations Physical Review Letters, vol. 113, 140502 (5pp) October 3, 2014 1307.0363 PDF
33 Buscemi, F; Datta, N; Strelchuk, S Game-theoretic characterization of antidegradable channels Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 55 (9), 092202 (14pp) September 23, 2014 1404.0277 PDF
32 Dall'Arno, M; Buscemi, F; Ozawa, M Tight bounds on accessible information and informational power Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 47, 235302 (12pp) May 20, 2014 1402.0602 PDF Selected for J. Phys. A "Highlights of 2014"
31 Buscemi, F; Hall, MJW; Ozawa, M; Wilde, MM Noise and disturbance in quantum measurements: an information-theoretic approach Physical Review Letters, vol. 112, 050401 (5pp) February 4, 2014 1310.6603 PDF Top 1% Highly Cited Paper (according to Web of Science, as of Jan/Feb 2016)
30 Buscemi, F; Datta, N General theory of assisted entanglement distillation IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59 (3), pp.1940-1954 February 12, 2013 1009.4464 PDF
29 Wilde, MM; Hayden, P; Buscemi, F; Hsieh, M-H The information-theoretic costs of simulating quantum measurements Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, vol. 45, 453001 (67pp) October 18, 2012 1206.4121 PDF Topical Review
28 Buscemi, F All Entangled Quantum States Are Nonlocal Physical Review Letters, vol. 108, 200401 (5pp) May 14, 2012 1106.6095 PDF Selected for a Viewpoint in APS Physics (link) and a PRL Editors' Suggestion
27 Buscemi, F Comparison of quantum statistical models: equivalent conditions for sufficiency Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 310, pp.625-647 March 1, 2012 1004.3794 PDF
26 Buscemi, F; Datta, N Entanglement cost in practical scenarios Physical Review Letters, vol. 106, 130503 (4pp) March 30, 2011 0906.3698 PDF
25 Buscemi, F; Datta, N Distilling entanglement from arbitrary resources Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 51 (10), 102201 (18pp) October 11, 2010 1006.1896 PDF
24 Buscemi, F; Datta, N The quantum capacity of channels with arbitrarily correlated noise IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 56 (3), pp.1447-1460 March 11, 2010 0902.0158 PDF
23 Buscemi, F Private quantum decoupling and secure disposal of information New Journal of Physics, vol. 11, 123002 (17pp) December 1, 2009 0901.4506 PDF
22 Buscemi, F; Gour, G; Kim JS Polygamy of Distributed Entanglement Physical Review A, vol. 80, 012324 (8pp) July 20, 2009 0903.4413 PDF
21 Buscemi, F; Horodecki, M Towards a unified approach to information-disturbance tradeoffs in quantum measurements Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 16 (1), pp.29-48 March 1, 2009 0810.1310 PDF
20 Buscemi, F; Hayashi, M; Horodecki, M Global information balance in quantum measurements Physical Review Letters, vol. 100, 210504 (4pp) May 30, 2008 quant-ph/0702166 PDF
19 Buscemi, F Irreversibility of entanglement loss Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5106, pp.16-28 February 29, 2008 0802.4327 PDF
18 Buscemi, F; Hayashi, M; Horodecki, M Information extraction versus reversibility in quantum measurement processes International Journal of Quantum Information, vol. 6 (Supplement), pp.613-619 February 27, 2008 PDF
17 Buscemi, F Entanglement measures and approximate quantum error correction Physical Review A, vol. 77, 012309 (7pp) January 9, 2008 0706.1815 PDF
16 Buscemi, F Channel correction via quantum erasure Physical Review Letters, vol. 99, 180501 (4pp) October 29, 2007 quant-ph/0611111 PDF
15 Buscemi, F; Chiribella, G; D'Ariano, GM Quantum erasure of decoherence Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 14 (1), pp.53-61 March 7, 2007 quant-ph/0611070 PDF
14 Buscemi, F; Sacchi, MF A minimum-disturbing quantum state discriminator Open Systems and Information Dynamics, vol. 14 (1), pp.17-24 March 7, 2007 quant-ph/0610232 PDF
13 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C Economical realization of phase covariant devices in arbitrary dimensions Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 24 (2), pp.363-370 January 26, 2007 quant-ph/0606120 PDF Invited contribution
12 Chiribella, G; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C; Perinotti, P; Buscemi, F Superbroadcasting and classical information Physical Review A, vol. 75, 012315 (8pp) January 12, 2007 quant-ph/0608153 PDF
11 Buscemi, F; Sacchi, MF Information-Disturbance Tradeoff in Quantum State Discrimination Physical Review A, vol. 74, 052320 (5pp) November 14, 2006 quant-ph/0610196 PDF
10 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C; Perinotti, P Universal and phase covariant superbroadcasting for mixed qubit states Physical Review A, vol. 74, 042309 (14pp) October 12, 2006 quant-ph/0602125 PDF
9 Buscemi, F On the minimum number of unitaries needed to describe a random-unitary channel Physics Letters A, vol. 360 (2), pp.256-258 August 22, 2006 quant-ph/0607034 PDF
8 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C Optimal Time-Reversal of Multi-phase Equatorial States Physical Review A, vol. 72, 062311 (5pp) December 8, 2005 quant-ph/0504016 PDF
7 Buscemi, F; Chiribella, G; D'Ariano, GM Inverting quantum decoherence by classical feedback from the environment Physical Review Letters, vol. 95, 090501 (4pp) August 23, 2005 quant-ph/0504195 PDF
6 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Keyl, M; Perinotti, P; Werner RF Clean Positive Operator Valued Measures Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 46 (8), 082109 (18pp) August 17, 2005 quant-ph/0505095 PDF
5 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Macchiavello, C Economical Phase-Covariant Cloning of Qudits Physical Review A, vol. 71, 042327 (7pp) April 19, 2005 quant-ph/0407103 PDF
4 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Perinotti, P There exist non orthogonal quantum measurements that are perfectly repeatable Physical Review Letters, vol. 92, 070403 (4pp) February 19, 2004 quant-ph/0310041 PDF
3 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Sacchi, MF Physical realizations of quantum operations Physical Review A, vol. 68, 042113 (7pp) October 23, 2003 quant-ph/0305180 PDF
2 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Perinotti, P; Sacchi, MF Optimal realization of the transposition map Physics Letters A, vol. 314 (5-6), pp.374-379 June 16, 2003 quant-ph/0304175 PDF
1 Buscemi, F; D'Ariano, GM; Sacchi, MF Unitary realizations of the ideal phase measurement Physics Letters A, vol. 312 (5-6), pp.315-318 April 24, 2003 quant-ph/0304071 PDF

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