The Importance of Touchpoint Disinfection for Businesses


As businesses around the world begin to reopen, it is essential that they take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of their customers and employees. One of the most important measures they can take is touchpoint disinfection – the cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, light switches, countertops, and more. Unfortunately, many businesses are making mistakes when it comes to touchpoint disinfection that could put their customers and employees at risk.


Why Is Touchpoint Disinfection Important?


Touchpoint disinfection is important because it helps to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. In a business setting, this means reducing the risk of transmitting illnesses from person to person. It also reduces the risk of cross-contamination between areas used by different people. For example, if one customer has recently touched a surface in a store, it is important that the surface be properly disinfected before another customer uses it.


In addition to helping protect customers and employees from illness, touchpoint disinfection is also important for maintaining a clean and professional environment. Customers are more likely to frequent a business that looks clean and well-maintained, which can help improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Not Using the Right Disinfectants


The first mistake businesses make is not using the right disinfectants. In order for touchpoint disinfection to be effective, it must be done with a product that has been proven to kill germs and bacteria. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a list of approved products that have been tested and found to be effective against certain types of bacteria and viruses. These products include bleach solutions, alcohol solutions, hydrogen peroxide solutions, quaternary ammonium compounds, and other EPA-registered products. It is important to use only these approved products in order to ensure that your business is properly sanitized.


Not Cleaning Regularly Enough


Another common mistake businesses make is not cleaning regularly enough. Touchpoint disinfection should be done on a regular basis in order to ensure that all surfaces are properly sanitized. Depending on the type of business you run, this could mean anything from daily cleaning to weekly or monthly deep cleans. For example, restaurants may need to clean surfaces multiple times throughout the day while retail stores may need to clean surfaces once a day or less often. It is important to establish a regular cleaning schedule in order to keep your business safe.


Not Cleaning Thoroughly Enough


Finally, businesses often fail to clean thoroughly enough. In order for touchpoint disinfection to be effective, it must be done thoroughly and carefully. This means taking the time to clean all surfaces, including hard-to-reach areas such as behind shelves or under counters. It also means paying attention to details such as wiping down door handles and light switches multiple times with fresh cleaning solution each time.


Furthermore, businesses should consider using color-coded microfiber cloths for their cleaning tasks in order to avoid cross contamination between different areas of their facility. For example, green cloths should be used for general cleaning tasks while blue cloths should be used for bathrooms and other high-risk areas. This will help ensure that germs are not spread from one area of the business to another.


Touchpoint disinfection is an essential part of keeping businesses safe during the pandemic. However, there are several common mistakes that businesses make when it comes to touchpoint disinfection. These include not using the right disinfectants, not cleaning regularly enough, and not cleaning thoroughly enough. By avoiding these mistakes and following proper protocols, businesses can ensure that their premises are safe for customers and employees alike.

Businesses should also consider investing in automated touchless systems such as infrared sensors or UV light systems as an additional layer of protection against germs and bacteria. Automated systems can help reduce the amount of manual labor required for touchpoint disinfection while still providing effective results.

Finally, businesses should always follow safety guidelines provided by local health authorities when performing touchpoint disinfection procedures in order to ensure that their premises remain safe for customers and employees alike.