The Importance of Touchpoint Disinfecting Services in the Age of COVID-19


As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, proper disinfection and sanitation have become increasingly important for businesses. Touchpoint disinfecting services are a great way to ensure that your business is properly sanitized and that you are providing a safe environment for your customers and employees. But how do you choose the right touchpoint disinfecting service for your business?


What is a Touchpoint Disinfecting Service?


A touchpoint disinfecting service is a specialized cleaning service that focuses on areas of high traffic or contact within your business. This includes door handles, countertops, desks, light switches, and other surfaces that may be touched frequently by customers or employees. A professional touchpoint disinfecting service will use specialized products and techniques to effectively clean and sanitize these areas.


Touchpoint disinfecting services use specialized cleaning solutions that are designed to kill germs and bacteria on contact. These solutions typically contain active ingredients such as quaternary ammonium compounds (quats), hydrogen peroxide, and alcohols which can help reduce the spread of disease-causing organisms. Additionally, many touchpoint disinfecting services also use ultraviolet (UV) light technology to further reduce the risk of contamination.


The Benefits of Touchpoint Disinfecting Services


There are several benefits to using a touchpoint disinfecting service, including:

  • Enhanced safety and security for customers and employees
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  • Reduced risk of spreading illnesses
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  • Reduced risk of cross contamination
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  • Improved customer experience
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  • Increased employee morale
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  • Increased customer loyalty
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Using a touchpoint disinfecting service can help create a healthier and more hygienic environment for your customers and employees. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction and increased employee morale, which can ultimately lead to increased customer loyalty.


What to Look for in a Touchpoint Disinfecting Service


When choosing a touchpoint disinfecting service, there are several factors to consider. First, make sure the company you choose is experienced and knowledgeable about the specific needs of your business. Ask questions about the type of products they use and their techniques for cleaning and sanitizing. Additionally, inquire about their safety protocols and procedures for ensuring the health and safety of your customers and employees.


It’s also important to make sure the company you choose is reliable and trustworthy. Ask for references from other businesses they have worked with in the past. Also, make sure they are licensed and insured, so you know you can trust them to do a quality job. Additionally, ask about their training policies; it’s important that their staff members are well-trained in proper cleaning practices.


Finally, make sure the company you choose offers competitive pricing and flexible scheduling. It’s important to find a company that works with your budget but also provides quality services.


How to Choose the Right Touchpoint Disinfecting Service


Choosing the right touchpoint disinfecting service can be a daunting task. Start by researching different companies in your area to find one that meets your needs. Ask questions about their experience, safety protocols, references, licensing, insurance, pricing, training policies, and scheduling.


Once you have chosen a few potential services, ask for quotes from each one so you can compare prices. Make sure to ask what services are included in each quote so you know exactly what you're getting for your money. Additionally, ask if they offer discounts or promotions for repeat customers or larger orders.

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Finally, read reviews online to get an idea of what other people think of the company’s services. You want to make sure that previous customers were satisfied with the quality of their services as well as their customer service.

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By taking the time to research different companies and ask questions, you can ensure that you choose the right touchpoint disinfecting service for your business. With proper disinfection and sanitation measures in place, you can provide a safe environment for your customers and employees.