The Importance of Touchpoint Disinfection


Touchpoints are surfaces that are frequently touched by multiple people, such as door handles, handrails, and elevator buttons. In order to maintain a safe and healthy environment, it is important to regularly disinfect these surfaces. But how often should a cleaning company disinfect touchpoints?


Why Touchpoint Disinfection is Important


Touchpoint disinfection is an important part of any cleaning routine. This is because these surfaces can easily become contaminated with germs and bacteria from the hands of those who touch them. If not properly disinfected, these germs can spread quickly and cause illnesses. Regularly disinfecting touchpoints can help reduce the risk of infection and keep people healthy.


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends regular cleaning and disinfection of all “high-touch” surfaces, including door handles, light switches, countertops, desks, phones, keyboards, and other areas where people come into contact with surfaces. The CDC also suggests using EPA-approved products that are effective against viruses and bacteria when cleaning these surfaces.


How Often Should Touchpoints be Disinfected?


The frequency of touchpoint disinfection depends on several factors, including the type of surface, the amount of traffic in the area, and the type of activity taking place. Generally speaking, high-traffic areas such as lobbies, hallways, and restrooms should be disinfected at least once a day. Lower-traffic areas such as offices or conference rooms can be disinfected less frequently.


For surfaces that are frequently touched by multiple people, such as door handles and light switches, it is recommended to disinfect them every few hours. Additionally, if there has been an increased risk of infection in the area or if someone has been ill in the facility recently, more frequent and thorough disinfection may be necessary.


It is also important to note that some types of materials are more difficult to clean than others. For example, porous materials such as carpeting and fabric may require more frequent cleaning due to their ability to absorb and retain bacteria. Additionally, certain materials may require special cleaning products or techniques in order to be effectively disinfected.


What to Look for in a Cleaning Company


When selecting a cleaning company for your facility, it's important to make sure they have experience in touchpoint disinfection. Additionally, look for a company that uses EPA-approved products that are effective against viruses and bacteria. It's also important to select a company that follows all safety protocols to ensure the safety of your employees and customers.


Furthermore, it is important to ensure that the company has adequate training and certifications in order to ensure they are following proper procedures during cleaning. Many companies offer specialized training programs for their staff on topics such as proper use of chemicals and equipment, safety protocols, and infectious disease prevention.




Touchpoint disinfection is an essential part of any cleaning routine. The frequency of touchpoint disinfection depends on several factors including the type of surface, the amount of traffic in the area, and the type of activity taking place. When selecting a cleaning company for your facility, make sure they have experience in touchpoint disinfection and use EPA-approved products that are effective against viruses and bacteria.

Additionally, it is important to select a company that follows all safety protocols to ensure the safety of your employees and customers. Furthermore, make sure that the company has adequate training and certifications in order to ensure they are following proper procedures during cleaning. Following these guidelines will help ensure that your facility remains safe and healthy for everyone who visits.