The Importance of Disinfecting Touchpoints


Disinfecting touchpoints is an essential part of any effective cleaning and sanitization program. These common areas, such as door handles, keyboards, phones, and other surfaces, are prone to harboring bacteria and viruses. As such, regular disinfection is necessary to prevent the spread of infection and ensure a safe environment for employees and customers. Unfortunately, many businesses and organizations fail to realize the importance of regular disinfection, resulting in a range of serious consequences.




Bacteria and viruses can survive on surfaces for hours or even days. This means that anyone who touches these surfaces can come into contact with the germs and become infected. In places where people congregate, such as schools, hospitals, and offices, this risk is even greater. It is therefore essential that businesses take the necessary steps to keep their premises clean and free from infectious agents.


The most effective way to reduce the risk of infection is to regularly disinfect common touchpoints. This includes door handles, keyboards, phones, light switches, handrails, and other surfaces that are frequently touched by people. By regularly disinfecting these surfaces, businesses can reduce the spread of disease-causing bacteria and viruses.


Decreased Employee Morale


When employees do not feel safe or comfortable in their work environment, they are less likely to be productive or motivated. A lack of regular disinfection of common touchpoints can create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. Employees may become concerned that they are at risk of coming into contact with germs and bacteria, leading to decreased morale and absenteeism.

In addition to decreased morale, failing to regularly disinfect common touchpoints can also lead to higher turnover rates among employees. When employees do not feel safe or secure in their work environment due to a lack of proper cleaning measures, they may choose to look for employment elsewhere. This can result in increased costs associated with hiring and training new staff members.

Increased Spread of Infectious Diseases

The failure to regularly disinfect common touchpoints can lead to an increased risk of spreading infectious diseases. Bacteria and viruses can linger on surfaces for hours or even days, meaning that any person who touches the surface may become infected. This is especially true in places where people congregate, such as schools, hospitals, and offices. By failing to regularly disinfect these areas, businesses and organizations are putting their employees and customers at risk.

In addition to the direct risk posed by bacterial or viral infections, there is also the potential for indirect risks. For example, if an employee becomes ill due to contact with a contaminated surface in the workplace, they may spread the infection to others outside of the workplace. This could lead to an increase in absenteeism among staff members or customers.

Damaged Reputation

When businesses fail to take proper precautions when it comes to disinfecting common touchpoints, it can have a negative impact on their reputation. Customers may become wary of patronizing businesses that do not take the necessary steps to ensure their safety. Word can spread quickly about businesses that neglect their cleaning duties, resulting in lost customers and revenue.

Furthermore, businesses that fail to take adequate cleaning measures may be subject to fines or legal action from regulatory bodies or local authorities. In some cases, businesses may be required to close until they have taken appropriate steps to ensure the safety of their premises.

Higher Cleaning Costs

Failing to regularly disinfect common touchpoints can also lead to higher cleaning costs. When bacteria and viruses are allowed to build up on surfaces, more intensive cleaning measures must be taken in order to effectively remove them. This can include deep-cleaning services or the use of specialized cleaning products. These additional costs can add up quickly and put a strain on a business’s budget.

In addition to increased cleaning costs, businesses may also face additional expenses related to medical care for employees who become ill due to contact with contaminated surfaces in the workplace. Furthermore, businesses may be liable for damages if a customer contracts an illness due to inadequate cleaning measures.


Disinfecting common touchpoints is an important part of any effective cleaning program. Failing to do so can have serious consequences, from decreased employee morale to an increased risk of spreading infectious diseases. Businesses should ensure that they are taking all necessary steps to keep their customers and employees safe by regularly disinfecting their premises.

Regularly disinfecting common touchpoints is not only beneficial for employee health and safety; it is also essential for protecting a business’s reputation and financial well-being. By taking the necessary steps to maintain a clean environment for their staff and customers, businesses can help ensure their success for years to come.