The Importance of Hiring a Professional Cleaning Company During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has forced businesses to make major changes to their operations in order to protect their employees and customers. One of the most important steps businesses can take is to hire a professional cleaning company that uses the best disinfection products available. But how can businesses make sure they are hiring a reputable cleaning company that uses the highest quality disinfection products? This article will provide an overview of the steps businesses should take when selecting a professional cleaning company.


Do Your Research


The first step to finding a reputable cleaning company is to do your research. Start by looking for companies that specialize in disinfection cleaning services. Check out customer reviews and testimonials to get an idea of what kind of service you can expect from a particular company. Additionally, it is wise to ask for references from previous clients so you can get a better sense of how well the company performs its duties. It is also important to research the types of disinfection products used by the company and make sure they are EPA-approved and effective against viruses and bacteria.


Inquire About Training and Certification


Another important factor to consider when selecting a cleaning company is their training and certification. Ask if the company has any certifications or accreditations related to disinfection cleaning services, such as the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC). It's also important to ask about their training program and whether or not their employees receive regular refresher courses on proper disinfection techniques. Knowing that your cleaning company is up-to-date on the latest industry standards is essential for providing your customers with a safe environment.


Understand Their Cleaning Process


It's also important to understand the specific methods used by the company for sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces. Make sure that they use touchpoint disinfecting as well as a more comprehensive approach that includes fogging and electrostatic spraying. Additionally, inquire about the type of equipment they use, such as HEPA filtration vacuums and backpack sprayers, to ensure maximum effectiveness. Lastly, make sure that they are using the right concentration of disinfectant for maximum efficacy.


Evaluate Their Price Structure


Finally, it's important to evaluate the price structure of the cleaning company you're considering. Make sure that you understand all of the costs associated with their services, such as materials, labor, and any additional fees. Compare prices between different companies to find the best value for your money. Additionally, inquire about any discounts or special offers available for long-term contracts.


The Benefits of Professional Disinfection Services


Hiring a professional cleaning company that uses high-quality disinfection products is essential for ensuring the health and safety of your employees and customers. Professional disinfection services help reduce the spread of germs and viruses while also creating a cleaner and healthier workplace environment. Furthermore, using professional cleaning companies helps businesses save time, money, and resources since they don't have to purchase or maintain their own equipment.


In addition to these benefits, professional disinfection services provide peace of mind knowing that your business is taking all necessary steps to protect its employees and customers from harmful pathogens. By following these steps when selecting a professional cleaning company, businesses can ensure they are making an informed decision when it comes to protecting their employees and customers.



The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to make major changes in order to protect their employees and customers. Hiring a professional cleaning company that uses high-quality disinfection products is essential for ensuring everyone’s safety. Doing your research, asking questions, understanding their cleaning process, and evaluating their price structure are all important steps businesses should take when selecting a professional cleaning company.

By following these steps when selecting a professional cleaning company, businesses can rest assured knowing that they are taking all necessary steps to protect their employees and customers from harmful pathogens. With these tips in mind, businesses can ensure that their workplace is clean, safe, and healthy.