Common Cleaning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


Cleaning is an important part of daily life, but it can be easy to make mistakes that leave your home or office less than sparkling. From using the wrong cleaning products to not paying attention to detail, here are some of the most common cleaning mistakes people make and how to avoid them.


1. Not Dusting Regularly


Dust is a pesky problem, and one that can easily be overlooked when it comes to cleaning. Dust accumulates quickly, and if you don’t dust regularly you may find yourself with a layer of dust all over your furniture and surfaces. This not only looks bad, but can also be a health hazard as dust can contain allergens and other irritants.


To avoid this, make sure you dust at least once a week. Use a damp cloth or microfiber cloth to pick up the dust. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach places like behind furniture, ceiling fans, and window sills. If you have pets, consider investing in an air purifier to help reduce the amount of pet dander floating around your home.


2. Not Vacuuming Carpets Properly


Vacuuming is an essential part of keeping your carpets clean, but if you don’t do it properly you could be leaving dirt and debris behind. To make sure you get the best results from vacuuming, use the right vacuum for your carpet type. Upright vacuums are good for carpets with deep pile, while canister vacuums are better for low-pile carpets. Make sure you go over each area several times and empty the bag or canister regularly.


You should also deep clean your carpets every few months to remove any embedded dirt and grime. You can rent a carpet cleaner from your local hardware store or hire a professional carpet cleaning service.


3. Using the Wrong Cleaning Products


Using the wrong cleaning products can cause more harm than good. Different types of surfaces require different types of cleaning products, so make sure you read the labels carefully before buying. For example, using an abrasive cleaner on wood floors can strip away the finish and leave them looking dull and damaged.


It's also important to read the instructions carefully before using any product. Some products require diluting before use while others should never be mixed with other chemicals. If you're unsure about which product to use for a particular job, ask a professional for advice.


4. Not Paying Attention to Detail


When it comes to cleaning, details matter. Make sure you pay attention to areas like corners and crevices that may be missed when cleaning in a hurry. These areas are often magnets for dirt and dust and can make your home look messy if they aren’t taken care of.


To get into those hard-to-reach places, use a vacuum attachment or an old toothbrush dipped in soapy water. You can also use cotton swabs or pipe cleaners for tight spots like around faucets or door hinges.


5. Not Disinfecting Frequently Enough


Germs and bacteria are everywhere, so it’s important to disinfect surfaces regularly to keep them clean and safe. Some areas that should be disinfected on a regular basis include door handles, light switches, countertops, sinks, toilets, and any other surface that is touched frequently.


Make sure to use a disinfectant that is appropriate for the surface; some disinfectants are too harsh for certain materials such as wood or marble. Also, make sure to follow the instructions on the label carefully as some disinfectants need to remain on surfaces for several minutes in order to be effective.


6. Not Changing Out Cleaning Cloths Regularly


Cleaning cloths can become dirty quickly, so it’s important to change them out regularly. Dirty cloths can spread germs and bacteria rather than remove them, so make sure you have plenty of fresh cloths on hand.


If possible, use different cloths for different tasks - one for wiping down surfaces and another for polishing furniture - as this will help prevent cross contamination of germs and bacteria.


7. Not Cleaning Windows Properly


Cleaning windows can be tricky if you don’t do it properly. Make sure you use the right cleaner for your window type, as some cleaners can damage certain types of glass. Also, take your time when wiping down the glass as streaks are often caused by wiping too quickly or using too much pressure.


For best results, start at the top of the window and work your way down in overlapping strokes until the entire window is clean. Use a squeegee or lint-free cloth to wipe away any excess cleaner and then buff with a dry cloth until there are no streaks left.
