Preventing the Spread of Germs in the Workplace


The spread of germs in an office or workspace can be a major problem, leading to increased absenteeism and lower productivity. This is especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic, where it is more important than ever to take steps to prevent the spread of germs in order to keep everyone safe. Fortunately, there are several steps that can be taken to help reduce the spread of germs and keep your employees healthier. Here are some of the best tips for preventing the spread of germs in your office or workspace.


1. Encourage Regular Handwashing


One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs is to encourage regular handwashing. Handwashing with soap and water is one of the most effective ways to remove germs from your hands, as it physically removes them from your skin. Make sure that there is ample access to soap and water in all areas of the office, and provide employees with hand sanitizer if possible. Additionally, make sure that everyone is aware of how long they should be washing their hands for – at least 20 seconds. It is also important to remind employees to wash their hands before eating, after using the restroom, and after touching shared surfaces.


2. Disinfect Surfaces Regularly


Germs can survive on surfaces for hours or even days, so it’s important to regularly disinfect all surfaces. This includes door handles, keyboards, phones, desks, and other frequently touched surfaces. Make sure that you are using a disinfectant approved by the EPA for use against SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Disinfecting surfaces regularly will help reduce the risk of spreading germs from person-to-person contact.


3. Promote Social Distancing


Whenever possible, promote social distancing in the office by having employees work remotely or limiting contact between people. If remote work isn’t an option, make sure that everyone is following social distancing guidelines, such as keeping six feet of distance between themselves and others. Additionally, it is important to limit gatherings in the office and ensure that any meetings or events are held virtually whenever possible.

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4. Limit Shared Items


Germs can be easily spread through shared items such as pens, scissors, staplers, and other office supplies. To reduce the risk of spreading germs, limit the number of shared items in the office and make sure that they are regularly disinfected. Additionally, consider providing each employee with their own set of supplies so that they don’t have to share with others.

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5. Require Face Coverings

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Requiring face coverings is one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of germs in an office or workspace. Make sure that everyone is wearing a face covering when they enter the building and when they are around other people. Additionally, provide face coverings for any visitors who may not have one. Face coverings should always be worn correctly – covering both your nose and mouth – and should not be touched while wearing.

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6. Offer Disinfecting Services

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In addition to regular cleaning services, consider hiring a professional disinfecting service to help reduce the spread of germs in your office or workspace. These services use specialized equipment to quickly and effectively disinfect large areas, making them a great option for offices that need extra protection. Professional disinfecting services often use products such as fogging machines or electrostatic sprayers which can quickly sanitize large areas with minimal effort.

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7. Educate Employees

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Finally, make sure that all employees are aware of the importance of preventing the spread of germs in the workplace. Provide them with information about proper handwashing techniques and remind them to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Additionally, remind employees to stay home if they are feeling unwell and encourage them to get tested if they have any symptoms related to COVID-19.

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Additional Tips for Reducing Germs in Your Office

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  • Keep windows open: Opening windows can help improve air circulation in your office and reduce the concentration of airborne viruses.
  • Encourage frequent breaks: Having frequent breaks throughout the day can help reduce stress levels which can lead to weakened immune systems.
  • Provide healthy snacks: Offering healthy snacks such as fruits or nuts can help boost immunity and reduce cravings for unhealthy processed snacks.

Conclusion: By following these tips, you can help reduce the spread of germs in your office or workspace and keep your employees healthier. Remember to stay up-to-date on all new guidelines from health organizations so that you can ensure everyone is staying safe.