It’s unfortunate but true that in any profession there are those who will take advantage of others. Whether it’s someone who underbids for a job or charges less than he should because he knows you need the work done quickly, there are people who will take advantage of you as a business owner if you aren’t careful. When hiring a cleaning company to handle the day-to-day cleaning needs of your business, you need to be aware of potential red flags that could signal that your cleaning contractor is not being honest with you about how much the job will cost or if they aren’t even qualified to be doing the job at all. There are many things you should avoid when hiring a cleaning company, including the following:

They charge less than they should

It’s important to establish a cleaning budget for your company, and this budget should be reflected in the cost of every cleaning job you do. If a company is undercharging you, this could be a sign of a shady contractor who is trying to cover up the fact that he’s charging too little for the job.While it’s not always possible to get every cleaning job done for a set fee, you should always be getting paid what the job should cost. If you’re dealing with a contractor who is undercharging you, it’s likely that he doesn’t have the experience to determine the correct cost of the job and is just guessing at a price. If this happens on multiple occasions, it’s a good sign that you should find a new cleaning company.

They don’t do the work you need done

Another thing you should avoid when hiring a cleaning company is dealing with a contractor who only does part of the job. This is a huge red flag that the contractor in question might not be very experienced and, even worse, that he doesn’t have the capacity to do the full job.If a cleaning company doesn’t want to do the full extent of the job you’re hiring them to do, there’s a good chance they don’t have the capacity to do so. Even if they do have the capacity, there’s always the chance that they’re low-balling to keep you on the hook for just the minimum.If a company isn’t willing to do the full job, there’s a chance they’re trying to get around the fact that they can’t do the job for the price they’re charging.

They don’t provide the level of cleaning you need

If a cleaning company won’t do the full job, you can always supplement their work to get the level of cleaning you need. If they won’t do the job, though, it’s a good idea to look for another contractor.One way to get around this problem is to hire a contractor who is willing to do the job but doesn’t have the capacity to do it. If the contractor is willing to do the job, but just can’t do it to your standards, you can always hire another company to supplement the first one.If you’re dealing with a company that won’t do the job at all, that’s something you should be extremely wary of. There’s a chance that they are underqualified for the job and don’t know how to do it properly.

They fail to clean the places you want them to clean

There are a few places in your office that you want to be clean but don’t necessarily expect the contractor to clean every time. If you’ve got a kitchen, for example, and the contractor’s cleaning your kitchen, but the rest of your office doesn’t get cleaned, that’s a problem.The best way to avoid this problem is to let the contractor know about the areas that you don’t want them to clean. If they aren’t familiar with cleaning procedures for your type of office, they might not know that there are certain places they shouldn’t be cleaning.It’s important to let the cleaning contractor know what areas you don’t want them to clean and why. If they don’t know about these areas, though, it’s a good idea to find another contractor.

They don’t have liability insurance

In most cases, you will want a contractor to carry liability insurance. While this isn’t always the case, it’s something you should always look for when hiring a contractor.If a cleaning contractor doesn’t have liability insurance, they’re not legally liable for any harm done as a result of their work. While this isn’t always the case, if a contractor doesn’t have this coverage, it’s not a good sign as to what they’re willing to do for you.If a contractor doesn’t have liability insurance, they might not be willing to do the job, and it’s a good idea to find another contractor.


Hiring a cleaning company is an important part of managing a business, but it can also be a risky proposition if you aren’t careful. There are a number of things you should avoid doing when hiring a cleaning company, including hiring someone who charges less than they should, won’t do the job you need done, or fails to clean the places you want them to.When hiring a cleaning company, it’s important to be diligent and do your due diligence to avoid falling victim to a shady contractor who will take advantage of your lack of knowledge about the industry.