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This site is part of the Lynx-ring©


Welcome to my little website which handles about an experience (caused by schizophrenia) which I don't fully understand so i wonder if it's real or just imagination...

I am muppel borne in the Netherlands October 24 1972. September 1996 something occurred to me which resulted into a admission into a mental hospital for about 3 months after which I received therapy for about a year and a half at the robbert-fleury foundation in Zoetermeer where I got diagnosed as a schizo-affective sufferer and where I also live on my own in a two-room apartment. Nowadays I still particapate in a therapy session once a month..

I wrote this page because I had to relieve some of my thoughts which resulted in the fact that nothing I wrote on this site still occurs to me also due to high medication ( 8 mg Risperdal &20 mg Seroxat ) and not having contacts with other persons but my therapy group. Still I think its for the interest of others in the personal matter schizophrenia and delusion were about my site handles mostly that I keep my site available on the internet.

I hope in a way that it will indulge you to think slightly different too so that my delusions are in fact lesser than suposed by psychiatrists


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