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This site is part of the Lynx-ring©


Some examples: ( about how those delusions work )

I will use a European band you should know of and which I am slightly fan of Namely Enigma which is was aslo the name of ( a little indulging fact ) the first WW1 code used by the Germans to be hacked

For starters I will begin with the first cd with the song the principles on which they sang the principles of lust are burned in your mind do what you want do it until you find love I believe these principles are an example and that whats good and bad is also in my mind given at birth as inheritance of previous generations . But as life goes on the surroundings influence these ( mea-culpa what means its not my fault ) so that they will change Do what I somehow like/permit thus, but at a certain point Ill have to return to those original principles to find that love, for me a universal concord which we all possess, if I exclude those surrounding influences, reason back and listen to that inner voice

Theres also the lyrics take me back to the rivers of believe my friend ofcourse I feel appealed to that I have to show humankind a way to find the above mentioned But fortunately I distinguish that as megalomania But I also indulged myself to make this site accordingly

Then there is the song beyond the invisible in which they sang yes its true, I am in you and youre in me after which it became crystal clear to me that their thoughts were mine and visa-versa the more I felt attentioned by their lyrics Ever since I feel the same way about other artists too so what about the stories concerning 2 pac's death and the lyrics of kosheen with catch which is about in my opinion that the anti-christ must take his place in history and that its our party now

Back to enigma

On their third cd they had included some quotes which means to me that to achieve preliminary all is said and written so I have to find a way within these. And no one can tell me something new but that universal knowledge and concord made of that inherited knowledge of previous generations in my opinion under the influences of astrology ofcourse I think my delusions are necessary for me for the step to achieve that, but thats one of my delusions Personally I prefer dreams over delusions so that the song dont stop movin from livin joy is a challenger

Insane isnt it

The downside is that due to connected thoughts I declared a fear within myself for the unknown in a way that I will not use the holy spirit to ask god for forgiveness for what I did wrong so that I have to find a way to compromise or exclude what Ive been doing wrong with better or best doing and trusting in his judgement. Therefore baring a little of my own cross


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