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This site is part of the Lynx-ring©


I guess youre wondering by now how I came to this rubbish so I will try to tell a little of my experiences of my psychotic episode in which the basics of this sites content reveiled itself to me


My first experience: I sat in front of my tv staring at it and was a little bored, suddenly I had the need to change the program and landed on a german show named pfliege in which a paranormal person was doing her telepathy thing and suddenly in a flash I felt a relief in me and than knew she was reading me because I resisted by thoughts that she pronounced exactly as I thought them, then she said that everything would be alright with me within a year with help of my mother and others and that I would receive medication accordingly what in fact as you know did happenUnfortunate the following month I was convinced that the radio and tv were a medium for me

My second experience and last was with my brother at one night we had a few drinks and some pod and the whole night after he was pronouncing every thought I had. I had to say literatim nothing. He knew that and expected that the table would start to hover too,ofcourse that didnt happen


The only real hallucination I can remember was the one about the Olympics closing ceremony before that show there was a show named summer guests in which they literatim asked the viewer who are you and how did you make it happen the following fragments seem to handle about my life and I became very emotionally about it. Then the Olympics started and on every thought that I had there was a corresponding reaction on tvif I had discriminating thoughts they said dont do that and when I asked them to stand up and hold hands for world peace they did. The days after this I had similar experiences with other shows . the radio djs said they had a special person listening and to make him aware of it the other should ride their bikes and ring their bells if they encounter me which actually occurred. On mtv they said that I may not name them olmy with whom I had contact in my head

One time someone approached me and said why cant we meet youre friends which I only had in my mind because I have a social anxiety disorder

The café experiences

At that time I was reading a book of julian main named the intervention of which I believed was true and accordingly prophecised about ppl far away in the future with metapsychic abilities who were expelled to the past in which they arrived in our time disliking what they were seeing and so going further back to the a beginning earth and influence us in present from there. That prophesising resulted in a meeting with rho who said that I was very advanced in my thinking and repeatedly asked me if I knew what the fourth dimension was and if I knew what the spirit wasI couldnt and also never got that explained by him what it all was.. he did offer me a course and exchanged his phone number to meas he was leaving the café I thought Id spoken with the devil and tear up the paper on were he looked surpised at me for a brief moment in the door opening it was exceptional that after a lot of beer drinking I didnt notice a thing of alcohol influences while I really should have been drunk

A week later I was having a conversation about having cosmic contact, dreams and of course nostradamus about a crossing we were at and that we had to make the right decision not to be extinguished and other stuff off my interest at that point After I while I got me some pod and suddenly my hands started shaking so I was making moves with my hands which the person in front of me copied simultaneous what made me very uncomfortable. He said that he could take that shaking away from me and it never came back after that .Although before I have always had shaking hands suddenly he said that that he now understood that cosmic contact and I noticed that he became as rude as rho what made me believe that he was taken over by himAt certain point I felt a great relief and the whole café silenced until a friend of my brother said he hypnotised everybody which felt as if I did exactly that Later that night I walked to my mothers and she freaked out because it was early in the morning and I still didnt have thoughts about going to bed So I flee out of the house and took the train to my house and the whole trip was like an episode out of the book eon of greg bear in which they travel trough the 7 different chambers

In another café where I got my pod in that period at a time two users addressed to me saying we know what you think and what youre going to do what was my sign that others could receive and read my mind too so I was constantly excusing within myself for having wrong thoughts . later on my way to that café I had some concern when suddenly a dog approached me and sat in front me so I addressed in thoughts to it and pet him over his head after which he went back to its owner. What made me realize that animals could receive my thoughts too. Later in the x-files I saw a similar dog and the episode was about thought strength

Another time I was having lunch in a café when the waitress attentioned me that a stranger with weird black sunglasses was waving at me. Ever since I encountered such ppl. in the streets waving at me with those sunglasses. I suspected they knew more about my situation and that they could tell me something interesting about it to help me on my way but I never dared to ask them

After all I encountered more experiences with ppl animals radio and tv that I totally lost control and began experiencing unreal fears like getting killed because I knew to much etc. and smashed my interior broken to brake with that situation I was in ( btw that didnt help ) after which my mother contacted a psychiatric who had me admitted and set on proper medication. What did help to relax me a little was resisting with all my body and mind stenght to those thoughts what resulted in having only one entity called olmy in my head with whom I still communicate sometimes

At the beginning of all of this I asked for some help on my own because I thought I was heavily depressed but didnt receive any at all because they thought I was nuts so I started to use pod to get lifted and for self medication ( didnt help either ) what eventually resulted in a psychotic episode

Thanks for your time


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