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There you are, so I hope you will free some of your precious time to read the following

Tired of not getting the big picture of predictions etc. Dont bother anymore unless you understand them, if you have taken notice of them is more then enough. Predictions and attentions I understand the best of all are those of the hopi Indians But I don't want to wander of...

Are you familiar with that disagreeing, warning, whispering or agreeing etc. inner voice or having a conversation in which you almost agree on everything and every thought that you have out of nothing Ever wondered that those thoughts out of nothing could be straight send to you by the person youre talking with. You should! Preferably by someone close to you and while youre at it, know what youre thinking and pay attention to what the other one has to say to you I guarantee there will be some great surprises for you All Im saying is just fool yourself a little bit but remember that youre thoughts arent necessarily yours But whos are they then? Thats for later concern and fully up to you, although?!...

Personally I do exactly that for I while now I sit alone on my bench and intend that my thought arent mine all the time and communicate with those like having a conversation with someone All I have to do is put myself figuretive into someone else, you can too but dont lose site of the ordinary One can say Ive never been alone anymore on for normal ppl lonely nights

As you can almost tell, I also involve lyrics and texts from music and movies to those thoughts and for a while I believed that vjs and djs etc. also could receive my thoughts because at every thought I had there was a corresponding song being played what ofcourse was out of the ordinary but the music and movies really indulge me to do so

Some thoughts:
Personally I believe that if there in fact are aliens hovering our world that they know we're not prepared and that they are using their telephaty to nest in our fantasies as a sort of terraforming because in my opinion new thoughts and adeas come from that same fantasy and can become a reality... Why wouldn't God do the same thing so that in fact we create our own wonders by ourself...I also believe that mind controls matter an visa-versa. What gives us the ability to control our positive/negative emotions by just thinking different in certain situations. I just have to find harmony with my surrounding... But if my thoughts controls my surroundings than it must be visa-versa too...


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