There you are, take the time to read the following…

Are you also tired of not really understanding prophecies and the like, but do you believe in them in a certain sense because you are alert to them? Then I want to let you know; it’s simply no use continuing with it, if you really can't comprehend it anyway. If you have accepted it for your information, it is already more than enough. Which I also find interesting is the Hopi mythology, but I don't want to digress…

My experience has changed somewhat due to circumstances and I want to share the ideas that I have with you… (Warning; just assume I'm a bit crazy!)

Do you know the alerting or approving or vice versa etc. so-called 'voice' in your head or something like being in a good conversation experienced by both parties and you suddenly get a thought out of nowhere, express it and it is received very unanimously ?! As for the latter, have you ever realized that that thought could come directly from the other person? (Consciously or unconsciously) I guarantee you, that's very funny if you do that and while you're at it you should consciously pay attention to what you think (especially with the ones closest to you) and what the other says to you. Trust me you will be in for some nice surprises. Actually, I'm telling you, kid yourself, but realize the foregoing… Basically I let you know in such a way that your thoughts are not necessarily your own at certain moments and that can you be very furry in the sense of who, then what are they? But that is only for later and is also completely dependent on you, although?!…

Personally, I've been doing that for a while and actually I've never been lonely again because even when I'm sitting alone, I tell myself that a thought I have is not necessarily mine. An important feature that you should use is; being able to put yourself in the position of the other. (Warning; do not lose sight of the ordinary vulgar reality!) And I will communicate with that thought and thus fill a lonely evening for another…

Until now it's quite normal actually, but (and that's flipped) I thought that VJs and DJs, among other things, receive my thoughts somewhat (live otherwise time travel) and the plague is, because my thoughts use my 'voice', it is difficult whether or not this is mutual. Yet I believed that. I also believe that people who share somewhat the same ideas as me, the same applies to them as VJs and DJs. And let's be honest, then I'm never alone. I just need to master it…

As you may already understand, I also involve texts, messages in music, film, etc. in that way and the nice thing about it is that they really encourage the so-called insane …

I hope I haven't bored you too much...

Now some (thought) links: Personally, I think (well?!) that if indeed there are et's around, they know we're actually unprepared and as sensible as they are, use their telepathy to dwell in our fantasy as a kind of terra formation. I am of the opinion that many inventions, new ways of thinking arise from some fantasy, which become reality. Why shouldn't The Holy Spirit, who thereby makes us perform the miracles Himself, do the same? I also believe that thought rules the body and vice versa, which allows us to manage negative, positive emotion by not reacting impulsively, by simply thinking something other than what you normally think. If a thought then influences my body, then also my environment, it's just a matter of feeling. But surely that also works the other way around?

And uh nothing is nothing, nothing is nothing so nothing or nothing is something because nothing or nothing…

December 4, 2004 content restored Wayback Machine Archive adapted for reuse February 22, 2022.

Content created by Olmyritulaer translated by except for external links.