Now I can tell more about those findings of mine and now also of my brother, but I don't feel the need to write a new user manual for something that already exists, the 'rules' will become clear over time, albeit that I want to give you the following quote:

The operational mind will inevitably have to make two sacrifices. The first is a slow but sure alienation from the latent race mates and that hurts. The second sacrifice is less obvious: the higher spirit has an obligation to love and serve those spirits lower in the evolutionary ladder. Only when that second sacrifice is made voluntarily and unselfishly does the comfort for the pain come through the first…

If you want to have an idea of what such a world we could find ourselves in could look like, you can read Julian May with “The Intervention” where the quote comes from or a relative of them

In response to terrorism, I would like to say this: although such an act cannot be foreseen, it is not inconceivable that something like this will happen and unfortunately since I have read some predictions, which I do not understand by the way, I am of the opinion that we are going into confusing times where we may need to pay a little more attention to things that are apparently not obvious, but they are, something like that can be a false sense of security, but also a relief that you actually overlook because it is so unexpectedly close. I also think that more and more people will experience feelings of anger and dissatisfaction accompanied by fear that can eventually lead to a collective hysteria after which perhaps a similar experience will be lived, to what I have experienced, so that everyone can have a new awareness being realized!…

I wish everyone the best of luck in the search and hope to be on the lookout for all those things so that they don't catch on!

Content created by Olmyritulaer translated by