Nice that you are interested in how that works, such a delusion…

Of course I then use Enigma, which I focus on for a while;

You now know that I feel personally addressed with certain lyrics and part of that is megalomania; First of all, you have “principles of lust” being sung in it; "the principles of lust are burned in your mind, do what you want, do it until you find love". Now I think that those principles are an example (duh) and that also in my intuition is what is right and wrong, as a kind of inheritance from previous generations that me (and any other) is given at birth, only affects the environment so that… (mea culpa; meaning “it's my fault”) ...that they are slightly modified as my life goes on, do some I somewhat want to, so allow me, but then I will have to somehow return to what I already felt about e.g. good and evil in order to find the relevant one, in my eyes a form of universal consensus… (to be found so to everyone) …if I close the influence and start reasoning back and then just listen to that 'voice'...

You also have the text; "take me back to the rivers of beliefs, my friend", you will of course understand that I feel addressed in that sense, in the sense that I have to show people a way to use the subject of the previous paragraph, for example, to return. Fortunately, I am sober enough to resist this megalomania because I recognize it as such. But still I made my archive to give in somewhat to that…

Then they came up with “beyond the invisible” in it they literally sang; "yes it's true, I’m in you and you're in me", then it was crystal clear to me that my thoughts are their thoughts and vice versa. The more I feel attracted by their lyrics. (Btw Enigma also refers to a coding device) Well I extend that all to other artists and then they come up with the stories around 2 Pac, etc. Or the text of Kosheen with “catch” in which the antichrist has to take his place in history and now it's our turn…

Now back to enigma

They also made a caption on the third CD of the four, which means to me; that in order to achieve prior, everything has already been said and in it I will have to find a method to make it real, because things are changing although nothing changes and nobody will be able to tell me anything new, only things that I actually already knew… (That kind of hereditary knowledge, under astrological influence in my opinion)… Obviously I involve my delusions on the step for me to realize that, but that's my delusion… Personally I prefer delusion with dreams then living' joy with “don't stop moving'” has, among other things, the usefulness of mastering.

It's all funny...

Yet there is a catch, because of cohesive thoughts, among other things, I have declared an insecurity about myself for the unknown in the sense that I will not use The Holy Spirit to ask God for forgiveness because I am like; it has already done enough for humanity… and just has to find a way with what I'm doing wrong, have done something in return or exclude it and thereby bear my own burden so that I feel I place myself under his justice… and actually also let me know that I trust in the judgment!…

Thank you for your interest…

December 4, 2004 content restored Wayback Machine Archive adapted for reuse Waanzinnig.info February 22, 2022.

Content created by Olmyritulaer translated by www.Translate.com except for external links.