We start at the beginning of Gerdien's existence. It's 1974, sometime in June, as a seed of Mr. D the egg of Mrs. DR invades and out of this amalgamation a human being begins to grow. What Mr. and Mrs. D do not know, however, is that in the meantime, somewhere far away, something is going on on another planet. Some scientists on this planet, let's call it Ouy, have decided to conduct an experiment by putting the energy of a Ouy fetus into a fetus on Earth. They want to see if it is possible that Ouy people would be able to survive on Earth. How will a Ouy-er grow up and survive on planet earth.

And so it happens that on March 28, 1975 in the Netherlands on planet earth the child Gerdien is born, everyone in the full conviction that it is an ordinary child. People are still surprised that the child has a tail, but Mrs. D take advice and tie off the tail so that it falls off on its own a few days later. With her and with all others who knew of this strange fact, this fact is erased from their memory by the scholars of Ouy. This is the first mistake they made.

Child Gerdien grows up, just like everyone else convinced that she is a human child. Although she feels different, not from here, she has no explanation for this and this is therefore the second mistake of the scholars of Ouy. Because child Gerdien does not feel at home, she starts looking for explanations why she feels different from all those other people. Her first reaction is: I've been adopted, actually not that bad of a thought. Child Gerdien, however, did receive all the external characteristics of Mr and Mrs D. so that statement is set aside.

Her second explanation is that she has been placed with the D. family as an experiment and that they are studying her. A classmate also participates; he studies her at night through the nightlight. Child Gerdien then pulls the night light from the wall socket, but she is still visible through the socket holes. She finds the solution by placing her pillow against it and going to sleep in bed the other way around. She's from there. But now the mirror on the shower: it is attached to the wall that separates the bathroom from her parents' bedroom. Against that wall is Mrs. D's wardrobe in the bedroom. From here they arrange everything and study her. Of course child Gerdien can't find anything when she examines the wardrobe. That's how smart her researchers are. Then don't shower. She keeps this up for months, until she finds herself really starting to smell bad and how stupid that she hadn't thought of that: just a towel in front of that mirror. This way you already take the most important asset out of their hands!

Child Gerdien has now grown up and is officially declared insane. She knows better though, she now knows what's going on, though she's still looking for the exact answers to her many, many questions. Are there any more Ouyers on this earth? Has she been forgotten on Ouy? She wants to go home. She's seen it here. In January 2001, she overdosed on antidepressants to return to Ouy. But guess what: she had indeed died, she was as dead as a doornail, yet she lived on in another world parallel to the earth. Apparently she was not allowed to go home yet and now has to move on. But she's so tired, doesn't feel like doing this experiment anymore. When will it stop, when will they come for her. If she has all the answers, or have they just forgotten about her?

This above piece was written by a woman of above average intelligence. They call her crazy, a woman with a psychiatric illness. You be bright to claim the contrary.

Someone is innocent until proven otherwise!!!!!!

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