I am male with:

Classification according to DSM-5:
From 17-Aug-2019
Diagnosis (2)
-- 299.00 ASS:
severity level 1 criterion group A; severity level 1 criterion group B
- without additional intellectual disability
- without additional language disorder
- associated with anxiety symptoms, psychotic experiences
Severity of the disability
(A) Limitations in Social Communication
Level 1: Without support, the deficiencies in the verbal and non-verbal social communication skills cause noticeable impairments. The individual has difficulty entering into social interactions and has atypical or unsuccessful responses to approaching others. The person concerned may have less interest in social interaction, for example can participate in communication but not have a real back and forth conversation, entering into and filling in friendship is atypical or unsuccessful.
(B) Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities
Level 1: Requires support: Inflexible behavior represents a significant disturbance in functioning in one or more situations. The individual has difficulty switching to other activities. Problems with organizing and planning stand in the way of independence.
-- 295.90 PSS (H)
-- GAF: Current (H): 55

I have been present on the internet with my archive for several years. I would like to express my sincere thanks to those who contributed to this.

Around April-September 1996 something happened that made me hospitalized in Hellevoetsluis for 3 months. Then I had day therapy for a year and a half at the Robert-Fleury foundation. Now I still have a meeting with my assigned SPV 1x per 6 weeks, screening with the help of a side effects clinic, possibly and at least 1x a year a psychiatrist and I live in Zoetermeer in a two-room flat as a self-employed person with guidance from my Father and Mother, which I have to convert into guidance from third parties.

I made this archive because it was necessary to write off from me whatever has resulted in the positive symptoms no longer being discussed, but the delusion is always present and hopefully remains, what this information is about. This is largely due to the maintenance dose of medication (6mg Risperdal (+ 3mg extra if necessary) & 150mg Venlafaxine) and the little contact with other people. I thought it would be interesting to hear what could come out of it and that's why I leave the archive available on the internet. It is also pleasant when several people recognize something in it, which gives me the courage to delve into it myself again, despite contradictory advice from people around me.

So have fun rummaging through the archive where I'm mainly talking about my delusions that I think are close to the truth and actually want to get People into the idea that thought power really exists! Although in my case I only started to take a different view after seeing: “A Beautiful Mind”.

Content created by Olmyritulaer translated by www.Translate.com except for external links.