The information from the “Way back Machine Archive” is about delusions and is called insane and what that looked like for me with my megalomania that came with it and the idea of being at the center of my emerging psychosis experience , just like other experience stories that are going around nowadays, it has also had some nuance differences over the years, to clarify it intentionally, the version I refer to here is an old remnant of it and how I was originally in 1996 and my reason at the time distilled from that to make the archive which was actually completed at that point (4 December 2004) already about this, this also puts it back in its original context for myself in retrospective anno 2022, now I have already made it further than that point in time partly due to a forum where I learned to express myself better in writing and at the last minute came to the current situation with it, for which I thank you

I also indicate in it (better with newer variants [which have unfortunately been lost]) that this awareness has never disappeared, but the positive symptoms due to medication, and then 25 years of struggling from me to At that time autism was not yet known about me, that is only since 2020, moreover I have only had the right relationship with the right medication since 2017, so that the overall disturbance is 'cured' even better, at least until the logistical supply in it stagnates maybe, that was all added later with a self-insight page, about my problems in it, which was also tackled in 2021, but unfortunately that was also lost during my data loss in that same year, that would make it a bit more transparent how I am currently in it in terms of the health care aspect, I consider myself very relativistic and a realist, the GGZ and my immediate environment think so too, only I always and everywhere see bears on the road, which in terms of technology can work for me again in planning and safety, I can't resist pain, still not, moreover, I can no longer bear suffering and I avoid confrontation, that's what makes it difficult for me still to find the right one to find balance with my feelings in this, but not the idea of my self-reflection practice, that hasn't been my issue since then, but how the environment looks at it and it wasn't in a healthy way right from the start settled with me

I am convinced for myself by that emerging psychosis, from unreal personal experience at the time, that sometimes my thought does not necessarily have to be my own, say that I have been formed in this idea since then, how you can fill it in for yourself there I have my own ideas about, it is still a daily practice that I have not deviated from, that my thought, mostly in my multimedia self-reflection, is not necessarily a thought of my own during my supposed conversation, reasoning, hunch and synchronicity in my head and with my environment, there is also the fact that I am a believer but not actively practicing in a community on principle, since 2008 I have also been strengthened in this, that is why I have stayed with myself that it is just also can be used in this way, especially in the case of the so-called 'little voice' in your head known and described by everyone, which can also provide guidance if you give in to it, I'm not there yet nave by others despite many attempts in the beginning, and thank you for the very best tip you can give me in that I have to accept that it is unreal, but you can also say that to the pastor and everyone who talks about it, but I'm not sure I'll do it, I'm not really putting it to the test if you were wondering, I could, but I just don't let this mechanism work that intensively not for me, but that's where it is religion is all about, trust that it is the case, with attention to the 10 commandments I have put that to the test a bit more through a Sabbath experiment, especially in this context, but now I no longer know that belief in them importance to this newfound purpose to try, and that it is easily accessible to many with perhaps interesting results as a result of it in its current formulation

I would like to emphasize that you should also ensure that if you have my practice:

To stay in the here-and-now and to keep using your mind with it

Content created by Olmyritulaer translated by