When it comes to cleaning an office, there are many potential pitfalls that could happen. From accidentally damaging something in the process to not knowing the best way to clean something. These are all common problems that can arise when cleaning an office. While every cleaning situation is different, there are some general cleaning tips that can help you avoid these problems and have an easier time cleaning your office. Keep reading for some advice on how to clean your office so that it stays tidy all the time!

Know what to clean and why

Before you even start cleaning your office, it’s important to know exactly what you need to clean and why. This way, you can avoid cleaning things that you don’t need to or cleaning in the wrong order. When cleaning a commercial space, it’s important to start at the top and work your way down. This way, if there’s a fire or an emergency in one room, the rest of the office can stay operational. You’ll also want to clean the top and bottom of doors and countertops. While you can use a steam cleaner on most floors and carpets, you should still use microfiber or a mop for the rest of your floors. You’ll also want to clean your trash can frequently, especially in open office spaces.

Make a plan and follow it

Once you know what you need to clean and why, make a plan for when you’ll clean it and how. This way, you can make sure you always have the tools you need and you won’t forget to clean something important. While this may seem obvious, it’s important to follow your plan every time you clean. If you don’t have a plan, you might end up cleaning something you don’t need to, or cleaning it in the wrong order. With a plan, you can also make sure everyone in your office is cleaning correctly, which is especially important if you have a team of cleaners. You can also use your cleaning schedule to set reminders on your phone or computer so you don’t forget about important things. This way, you’ll have an organized and tidy office every time!

Wipe-downs and dusters

Wiping down your desk is an important part of cleaning your office, especially if you have an open office space. You should use a paper towel to gently wipe down your desk to remove any dust or dirt. You can also use a microfiber cloth or a paper towel to gently dust off items, like computer parts or small pieces of furniture. You can also use a small dusting brush to dust off your computer monitor, books, and shelves. If you have old books or magazines, you can also use a cleaning brush to clean them. These are especially important to clean to protect your furniture and items from getting damaged by dirt and dust.

Wash walls and ceilings

Washing the walls and ceilings of your office is an important part of cleaning an open office space. This will help to remove dust and dirt, which can make your office feel very dirty and unclean. You can use a steam cleaner or a microfiber cloth to clean your walls, ceilings, and even floors. While you can use a small scrubbing brush to clean large areas, like your rugs and hard floors, you can also use a small dusting brush for smaller spaces. You can also use a small broom to sweep dust and dirt off the floors. If you have an especially dirty office, it may be best to hire a professional cleaning service. This will make it easier to clean your walls, ceilings, and floors, and it will also help to remove all of the dirt and dust from your office.

Clean up the messes

Finally, you’ll also want to clean up any messes that you create while cleaning. You might accidentally drop something on the floor and forget to clean it up. You might accidentally knock over a plant or knock over a file or piece of paper. You might have a mess on your computer if you accidentally press the wrong button or accidentally delete something important. You also might accidentally leave a mess of wires or cables on the floor. These are all things that you’ll want to clean up, so they don’t become a major distraction or a problem for your office.


These are some of the most common problems that happen when cleaning an office. If you know what to clean and how to clean it, you won’t have any of these problems. However, even with these tips, cleaning an office can be difficult. You might accidentally knock over a plant or knock over a file. You might accidentally drop something on the floor or accidentally knock over a piece of furniture. You might accidentally leave a mess of wires or cables on the floor. No matter how careful you are, these problems will happen from time to time. Thankfully, these are all things that you can clean up easily and quickly.