If your business relies on clients coming to you for services, you need to make sure you always look clean and professional. If your office cleaning routine isn’t on point, you could be missing out on potential clients or customers who would otherwise choose your competitors if they saw dirty and unkempt conditions. The good news is that it is fairly easy to keep your office clean at all times. There are many small things that you can do on a daily or even an hourly basis to keep your workspace spick-and-span. However, you will probably face some challenges along the way as there are always more things to do than there are hours in a day. Here we explore some of the most common cleaning challenges that you may encounter as an office manager or cleaning contractor.

Organising your cleaning schedule

Before you can begin any cleaning project, you first need to organise your cleaning schedule. While it is important to do a thorough cleaning on a regular basis, you also need to find a way to plan for special events or holidays. For example, you may choose to hire extra staff on a busy cleaning day; you may also want to book cleaning services for holidays such as New Years and the Fourth of July.Another important aspect of your cleaning schedule is to decide how often you will clean each individual room. For example, you may decide that your conference room and kitchen will get the same level of cleaning attention every day, but that your break room will receive a deeper cleaning every other day.

Overcoming communication challenges

Working with a cleaning contractor can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the types of cleaning services offered by different companies. The best way to ensure that your cleaning project goes smoothly is to create a detailed cleaning schedule. However, you need to remember that this will be different for each contractor and will change as your business grows.To make sure that everyone stays on the same page, start by creating a detailed cleaning schedule. This can be as simple as a list of the rooms in your office and the frequency with which you want them cleaned. After that, you can use a cleaning checklist to double check that each room has received the necessary attention.

Time and resource management challenges

When you’re running your own business, you have to be able to manage your time effectively. You don’t have an employer who will do your cleaning for you - you’re responsible for managing your own time and resources. If you’re not careful, you could end up leaving your cleaning tasks to the last minute and risk having to do them at the end of the day.This is especially true if you’re also handling other aspects of your business, such as providing services or overseeing marketing. While there’s no way to avoid all challenges, you can make a point of getting organised from the start. Start your day with a thorough cleaning, and make sure you don’t leave things too late and that you leave enough time to get everything done.

Fear of getting your staff hurt

If you’re hiring a cleaning contractor, you may be concerned about sending someone into your office who doesn’t have the proper training. However, this doesn’t have to be an issue. In fact, it is recommended that you hire a cleaning contractor to do the cleaning. The contractor will have the training and equipment to do the job correctly, including cleaning chemicals that are safe for your employees.If you decide to do the cleaning yourself, you may be more cautious, but this is not necessarily the best idea. If you feel the need to clean in a certain way, you’re likely to take more risks without being aware of it. When you are cleaning yourself, you don’t have the same level of protection that a cleaning contractor has, and you may be less careful than you should be. The last thing you want is to risk hurting someone on your staff or damaging their property.

Lack of knowledge and understanding about cleaning methods and products

This is a challenge for both cleaning contractors and office managers. You may not have a lot of time to research the best cleaning methods and products to use when cleaning your office. This can cause you to use the wrong products, which can be an expensive mistake. It can also cause you to use too much product, which can be harmful to your employees and your building, and make your cleaning job take longer.For example, you may decide to use a bleach-based cleaning solution, when in fact a baking soda-vinegar solution is just as effective and has a much lower environmental impact. While you can research these things on your own, it may take you hours to wade through all the information and make a decision. Instead, you could hire a cleaning contractor who is knowledgeable in the field and will use the right products on the first try.

Lack of time and staffing issues

If you have a lot of staff to manage, it can be difficult to find the time to clean your office regularly. However, this is an issue that you can address by making cleaning a part of your company culture. You can encourage your staff to pitch in and pitch out by cleaning after they are done with their specific tasks.You can also try to outsource some of the cleaning so that you have time to focus on other tasks. For example, you may decide that you need a cleaning contractor to come in once a week to clean the kitchen and bathrooms.This can cause problems if you don’t make sure that the employees who work in the kitchen and bathrooms have their tasks scheduled for the same day. You may also want to hire a cleaning contractor to do the cleaning while you are on the phone or out meeting clients.


Although it can be challenging to find time to clean your office, it is an important part of running a successful business. To make cleaning as pain-free as possible, you need to plan ahead, make sure you have the right tools, and follow a detailed cleaning schedule. The last thing you want to do is leave cleaning for the last minute and risk having a messy office. You can also try to outsource some of the cleaning so that you have time to focus on other tasks.