Commercial spaces, such as offices, schools, restaurants, and stores, require regular cleaning and upkeep. Without proper maintenance, these spaces are at risk for attracting pests, becoming dirty, and harboring germs and bacteria. However, many business owners and property managers make the mistake of not taking proper care of their commercial spaces. This can lead to serious issues, such as pest infestations, poor indoor air quality, and unclean surfaces. Fortunately, many of these issues can be avoided by implementing a few smart cleaning strategies. Below are some of the most common mistakes made by commercial cleaners and how to avoid them.

Not scheduling regular cleanings

One of the most common mistakes made by commercial cleaners is failing to regularly schedule professional cleaning services. Many business owners or property managers make the mistake of thinking that their space only needs to be cleaned when it looks dirty. However, this can lead to a buildup of dirt and allergens, which can negatively impact the health and productivity of employees. Scheduling routine cleanings can help ensure that your space is clean and sanitary, while also minimizing the risk of pest infestations and the spread of germs and bacteria. For best results, you should schedule routine cleaning services at least once per week.

Not hiring professional cleaners

Another common mistake made by commercial cleaners is hiring non-professionals to clean the space. While it may be tempting to hire friends and family members to clean your business, this often leads to issues with consistency and quality. Professional cleaners are experienced and well-trained, so they can quickly and efficiently clean your commercial space. They are also more likely to use effective, environmentally-friendly cleaning products. For best results, you should hire professional cleaners to clean your commercial space at least once per week.

Not paying attention to details

Another common mistake made by commercial cleaners is overlooking important details. While it is important to clean large, high-traffic areas, it is also important to pay attention to the small details. For example, you should dust and wipe down all surfaces, including doors, windows, cabinets, and countertops. You should also vacuum carpets and mop hard floors. For best results, you should pay attention to all details when cleaning your commercial space.

Not using environmentally-friendly cleaning products

Another common mistake made by commercial cleaners is choosing to use harsh, chemical-based cleaning products. While these products may get the job done, they are also very harmful to the environment. Fortunately, there are many eco-friendly cleaning products available, such as multi-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, and floor cleaner. For best results, you should use eco-friendly cleaning products when cleaning your commercial space.

Not properly maintaining equipment

Another common mistake made by commercial cleaners is failing to properly maintain equipment. For example, you should regularly clean all vacuum cleaners and mops. You should also inspect all equipment before each use. For best results, you should properly maintain all equipment when cleaning your commercial space.


Commercial spaces, such as offices, schools, restaurants, and stores, require regular cleaning and upkeep. Without proper maintenance, these spaces are at risk for attracting pests, becoming dirty, and harboring germs and bacteria. However, many business owners and property managers make the mistake of not taking proper care of their commercial spaces. This can lead to serious issues, such as pest infestations, poor indoor air quality, and unclean surfaces. Fortunately, many of these issues can be avoided by implementing a few smart cleaning strategies. Below are some of the most common mistakes made by commercial cleaners and how to avoid them.