Cleaning a commercial space is no small task. A dirty office can lead to lower productivity, lost sales, and unhappy employees. Keeping a commercial space clean requires time, effort, and the right tools. However, it’s well worth the effort to keep your space clean and organized. A clean and tidy environment is more comfortable, pleasant, and conducive to productivity.There are many different tools and techniques you can use to keep your commercial office space clean. Here are ten of the best ways to keep your commercial office space clean and organized.1. Create a cleaning schedule.

1. Create a cleaning schedule

It’s important to establish a cleaning routine and stick to it. A daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedule will help you stay on top of your responsibilities. A daily or weekly checklist will help you remember which tasks need to be done each day or week. A monthly checklist will remind you of larger projects that need to be completed at regular intervals.Creating a cleaning schedule will also help you stay organized and on track. You won’t have to worry about forgetting which tasks need to be completed or when they need to be done. A cleaning calendar can also help you delegate tasks to other employees. Each employee will have a checklist of their own that they can check off as they complete their assigned duties.