
Cleaning your workplace is an important task that should not be overlooked. Not only does it help keep the space sanitary and organized, but it can also improve morale and productivity. Unfortunately, many people don’t give their workplace cleaning the attention it deserves, leading to a number of common mistakes.


1. Not Cleaning Regularly Enough


One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to workplace cleaning is not doing it regularly enough. Dust, dirt, and other debris can accumulate quickly, so it’s important to set up a regular cleaning schedule. Depending on the size of your workplace and the amount of traffic it receives, you may need to clean daily or weekly. Make sure all staff members are aware of the schedule and follow through with it.


It's important to remember that there are certain areas that require more frequent cleaning than others. For instance, bathrooms should be cleaned at least once a day to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Break rooms should also be cleaned daily to ensure that food is stored properly and surfaces are regularly disinfected.


2. Not Cleaning Thoroughly Enough


Another mistake is not cleaning thoroughly enough. You may think that wiping down surfaces or vacuuming floors is enough, but there are other areas that need attention as well. Don’t forget to clean behind furniture, under desks and in other hard-to-reach places. Pay special attention to doorknobs, light switches, telephones and other high-touch areas that can harbor germs.


It's also important to use the right tools for each job. For example, a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter will help remove dust particles from the air more effectively than a regular vacuum cleaner. Microfiber cloths are great for cleaning glass surfaces without leaving streaks or residue.


3. Not Using the Right Cleaning Products


Using the wrong cleaning products can be just as bad as not cleaning at all. Many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be dangerous if inhaled or ingested. Choose natural, non-toxic cleaning products whenever possible. Also make sure that staff members know how to properly use the products for maximum effectiveness.


When choosing cleaning products, look for those that are labeled “green” or “environmentally friendly”. These products are typically made with natural ingredients and have less impact on the environment than traditional cleaners. Additionally, they don't contain any harsh chemicals which can cause skin irritation or respiratory problems.


4. Not Keeping Cleaning Supplies Organized


Having a designated area for storing cleaning supplies is essential for keeping your workspace clean and organized. Make sure all staff members know where to find the supplies they need and how to properly use them. A good rule of thumb is to store all cleaning supplies in one place and out of reach of children.


It's also important to keep track of what supplies you have on hand and when they need to be replaced or restocked. Create a checklist of items that need to be replenished regularly and assign someone in charge of making sure everything is stocked up at all times.


5. Not Disposing of Waste Properly


Proper waste disposal is an important part of keeping your workplace clean and safe. Make sure all staff members know where the designated trash bins are located and how to properly dispose of waste. It’s also a good idea to have a recycling bin nearby for paper, plastic and other recyclable materials.


In addition to having designated waste bins in each room, consider investing in compostable trash bags or containers for organic waste such as food scraps and paper towels. This will help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills while also helping your business become more eco-friendly.




Cleaning your workplace is an important task that should not be taken lightly. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your workspace remains clean, organized and safe for everyone who uses it.

Creating a detailed plan for workplace cleaning can help ensure that tasks are completed correctly and on time each day. This includes assigning specific duties to employees as well as setting realistic goals for how often each area should be cleaned. With proper planning and organization, you can create a safe and sanitary work environment that everyone can enjoy!