
Having a clean and organized workplace is essential to ensure the health and safety of employees, as well as to maintain productivity. Office managers have the responsibility of ensuring that the workplace is kept clean and organized at all times. Here are some tips to help office managers make sure that their workplace is clean and organized.


1. Establish a Cleaning Schedule


The first step in keeping a workspace clean and organized is to establish a cleaning schedule. This should include regular tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and taking out the trash. It should also include deep cleaning tasks such as window washing, carpet cleaning, and sanitizing surfaces. Having a set schedule will ensure that these tasks are done on a regular basis and that the office remains clean and organized. It is important to note that different types of workplaces may require different cleaning schedules. For example, an office with many computers may need more frequent dusting than an office with fewer electronics. Additionally, offices with high foot traffic may need more frequent vacuuming than those with less traffic.

2. Utilize Professional Cleaners

Hiring professional cleaners can be an effective way to keep the office clean and organized. Professional cleaners are experienced in providing quality services that can help maintain a high level of hygiene in the workplace. They can provide deep cleaning services such as carpet cleaning, window washing, and sanitizing surfaces which are often difficult to do on your own. Additionally, they can provide regular maintenance services such as dusting and vacuuming which can help keep the office looking its best. Professional cleaners can also help identify areas of the office that may need special attention or require additional cleaning supplies.

3. Provide Cleaning Supplies

Providing employees with the necessary supplies for keeping their workspace clean is essential for maintaining a healthy workplace environment. This includes items such as garbage bins, paper towels, disinfectants, hand sanitizers, and wipes. Having these supplies readily available will encourage employees to take ownership of their workspace and keep it clean. Additionally, having adequate supplies will help ensure that employees are able to properly dispose of waste without creating messes or leaving clutter behind.

4. Encourage Employees to Keep Their Workspace Tidy

Encouraging employees to keep their workspace tidy is another important step in keeping the office clean and organized. This means reminding them to put away their belongings after use, keep their desks clear of clutter, and dispose of garbage properly. Having an open dialogue with employees about the importance of keeping their workspace tidy can go a long way in helping maintain a clean and organized office. Additionally, it is important to provide incentives for employees who maintain a tidy workspace such as recognition or rewards.

5. Implement Waste Reduction Strategies

Implementing waste reduction strategies is another way to help keep the office clean and organized. This includes encouraging employees to recycle, using reusable containers for food storage, using digital documents instead of printing out hard copies, and reducing paper use by utilizing electronic signatures instead of physical ones when possible. These strategies can help reduce clutter in the office as well as reduce waste.

6. Create Designated Storage Areas

Creating designated storage areas for files, documents, supplies, etc., can also help keep an office organized and clutter-free. If possible, each employee should have their own storage area where they can store their personal items such as jackets, purses, and lunch bags. Additionally, having dedicated storage areas for shared items like extra paper or stationery will help ensure that these items are always accessible when needed but not cluttering up the workspace.

7. Use Labels

Using labels is another great way to keep an office organized and clutter-free. Labeling shelves or drawers with what type of items should be stored there will help ensure that everything has its place and nothing gets misplaced or forgotten about. Additionally, labeling cords or cables can prevent confusion when trying to troubleshoot technical issues.


Keeping an office clean and organized is essential for maintaining a healthy workplace environment. Office managers have the responsibility of ensuring that this is done on a regular basis. By establishing a cleaning schedule, utilizing professional cleaners, providing cleaning supplies, encouraging employees to keep their workspace tidy, implementing waste reduction strategies, creating designated storage areas, using labels, and providing incentives for those who maintain a tidy workspace; office managers can ensure that their workplace is kept clean and organized at all times.