Detailed description of public variables
(Original Document)
General public variables
The following table describes the general public variables:
Comparison value.
Value (0 or 1) to which the EVENT input is compared.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 1.
Current time initialization value.
This word is used to define either by program or by variable modification the current time initialization value (TTIME) on the ENABLE rising edge.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 0.
Base time value.
This word defines the N coefficient required for defining the time base. All times are expressed in multiples of N x 100 ms.
The default value is 1.
Automatic operation zone to be monitored.
This word is used to specify which automatic operations zone is being monitored by the diagnostics DFB.
  • Manufacture: n°1.
  • Reaming: n°2.
  • Threading: n°3.
AREA_ NR must have a value of 1, 2 or 3 for the user to identify which section of the automatic operation has a fault.
It is advisable to make the above division correspond with the division in the function module.
AREA_ NR can take on a value between 0 and 15.
The default value is 0.
Acknowledge request.
This bit signals whether or not a DFB instance must be acknowledged by the operator:
  • OP_CTRL = 0: not acknowledged by the operator,
  • OP_CTRL = 1: acknowledged by the operator,
The default value is 0.
Public variables associated with EVENT input
The following table describes the public variables associated with MV_DIA DFB EVENT input:
Minimum time.
This word defines the minimum amount of time during which EVENT input must be equal to the VALUE internal data.
As soon as EVENT input does not match VALUE before MMIN time has passed, the DFB indicates that there is a fault.
If this is the first fault on EVENT input since the last initialization (ENABLE 0> 1), the time at which the fault occurred (MMIN) is recorded by DEFTIME.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 0.
Maximum time.
This word defines the maximum amount of time during which EVENT input must be equal to the VALUE internal data. If the EVENT input is equal to VALUE after the MMAX time, then the DFB indicates that there is a fault.
If this is the first fault on EVENT input since the last initialization (ENABLE 0> 1), the time at which the fault occurred (MMAX) is recorded by DEFTIME.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 0.
Recording the time of the first diagnostic message.
This word records the time at which the first diagnostic message on EVENT input occurs.
DEFTIME starts at 0 on the falling/rising edge of EVENT input depending on the condition (0 or 1) of the VALUE variable.
The DEFTIME variable cannot be modified by program, its default value is 0.
Recording the minimum time.
This word records the minimum time during which EVENT input possessed the value specified by VALUE data.
MIN_VAL is reset at 32767 on input rising edge.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 32767.
Recording maximum time.
This word records the maximum time during which EVENT input possessed the value specified by VALUE data.
MAX_VAL is reset to 0 on the ED input rising edge.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 0.
MMIN initial value.
This word indicates the initial value of MMIN time. This value is transferred into MMIN on start or cold restart.
The default value is 0.
MMAX initial value.
This word indicates the initial value of MMAX time. This value is transferred into MMAX on start or cold restart.
The default value is 0.
Public variables associated with EVENT_T0 and T1 input
The following table describes the public variables associated with MV_DIA DFB EVENT_Ti (with I = 0 or 1) input:
Minimum time.
This word defines the Ti maximum time for EVENT_Ti input to change from 0 to 1. If this change happens after Ti, the DFB indicates that there is a fault.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 0.
Recording the minimum time.
This word records the minimum time which was required for EVENT_Ti input to change from 0 to 1. MIN_EVTi is initialized at 32767 on the rising edge of the ED input.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 32767.
Recording maximum time.
This word records the maximum time which was required for EVENT_Ti input to change from 0 to 1. MAX_EVTi is initialized at 0 on the rising edge of the ED input.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 0.
Initial value of Ti time.
This word indicates the initial value of Ti time. This value is transferred to Ti data on start or cold restart.
MIN_VAL is reset at 32767 on input rising edge.
The default value is 0.