Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution
RDC bat. 22, Case Courrier 64
University of Montpellier
Place Eugčne Bataillon
34095 Montpellier Cedex 05
Institut Universitaire de France
75005 Paris
University of Greifswald
Zoological Institute
Soldmann-Str. 14
D - 17489 Greifswald
School of Biology and Environmental Sciences
University College Dublin (Zoology)
Belfield, D4
I am a population geneticist/genomicist with a strong background in ecology, evolutionary biology, population genetics and phylogenetics. However, my research is founded on an integrative approach combining molecular, morphological, ecological and behavioural data with modelling techniques, and aims to disentangle factors involved in speciation as well as those shaping species distributions through time and space. My work ranges from:
Updated list to come:
Upated list to come
2021 and in press
98–Population genetics as a tool to elucidate pathogen reservoirs: Lessons from Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of white-nose disease in bats
Fischer NM, Altewischer A, Ranpal S, Dool SE, Kerth G and Puechmaille S
Molecular Ecology, 2021; in press .
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1111/mec.16249]
97–Genetic diversity in a long-lived mammal is explained by the past's demographic shadow and current connectivity
Lehnen L, Jan P-l, Besnard AL, Fourcy D, Kerth G, Biedermann M, Nyssen P, Schorcht W, Petit EJ and Puechmaille S
Molecular Ecology, 2021; 30 (20): 5048-5063.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1111/mec.16123]
96–A rapid, in-situ minimally-invasive technique to assess infections with Pseudogymnoascus destructans in bats
Fritze M, Puechmaille S, Fickel J, Czirják GÁ and Voigt CC
Acta Chiropterologica, 2021; 23 (1): 259-270.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.3161/15081109ACC2021.23.1.022]
95–Heterothermy and antifungal responses in bats
Whiting-Fawcett F, Field KA, Puechmaille S, Blomberg AS and Lilley TM
Current opinion in Microbiology, 2021; 62 61-67.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.mib.2021.05.002]
94–Bat overpasses help bats to cross roads safely by increasing their flight height
Claireau F, Kerbiriou C, Charton F, De Almeida Braga C, Feraille T, Julien J-F, Machon N, Allegrini B, Puechmaille S and Bas Y
Acta Chiropterologica, 2021; 23 (1): 189-198.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.3161/15081109ACC2021.23.1.015]
93–Misconceptions and misinformation about bats and viruses
Puechmaille S, Ar Gouilh M, Dechmann DKN, Fenton BM, Cullen G, Medellín R, Mittermeier RA, Racey PA, Reeder DM, Schaer J, Vicente-Santos A, Sechrest W, Viquez-R L and Weber N.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2021; 105 606-607.
[Open access pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2021.02.097]
92–Population genetics as a tool to elucidate pathogen reservoirs: Lessons from Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of white-nose disease in bats
Fischer NM, Altewischer A, Ranpal S, Dool SE, Kerth G and Puechmaille S.
bioRxiv, 2021; 2021.02.04.429503.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1101/2021.02.04.429503]
91–Determinants of defence strategies of a hibernating European bat species towards the fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus destructans
Fritze M, Puechmaille S., Costantini D, Fickel J, Voigt CC and Czirják G.
Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2021; 119: 104017.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.dci.2021.104017]
90–Bat overpasses help bats to cross roads safely by increasing their flight height
Claireau F, Kerbiriou C, Charton F, De Almeida Braga C, Feraille T, Julien J-F, Machon N, Allegrini B, Puechmaille S and Bas Y.
Acta Chiropterologica 2020; in press.
89–Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations
Jebb D, Huang Z, Pippel M, Hughes GM, Lavrichenko K, Devanna P, Winkler S, Jermiin LS, Skirmuntt EC, Katzourakis A, Burkitt-Gray L, Ray DA, Sullivan KAM, Roscito JG, Kirilenko BM, Dávalos LM, Corthals AP, Power ML, Jones G, Ransome RD, Dechmann DKN, Locatelli AG, Puechmaille S, Fedrigo O, Jarvis ED, Hiller M, Vernes SC, Myers EW and Teeling EC.
Nature, 2020; 583 (7817): 578–584.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2486-3]
88–Seasonal patterns of Pseudogymnoascus destructans germination indicate host-pathogen coevolution
Fischer NM, Dool SE and Puechmaille S.
Biology Letters, 2020; 16 (6): 20200177.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1098/rsbl.2020.0177]
87–Drivers of longitudinal telomere dynamics in the long-lived bat species, Myotis myotis
Foley NM, Petit EJ, Brazier T, Finarelli JA, Hughes GM, Touzalin F, Puechmaille S. and Teeling EC.
Molecular Ecology, 2020; 29 (16): 2963–2977.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/mec.15395] [Featured in a "News and Views" in Molecular Ecology]
86–Timescale and colony dependent relationships between environmental conditions and plasma oxidative markers in a long-lived bat species
Beaulieu M, Touzalin F, Dool SE, Teeling EC and Puechmaille S.
Conservation Physiology, 2020; 8 (1): coaa083.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1093/conphys/coaa083]
85–Did you wash your caving suit? Cavers' role in the potential spread of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of White-Nose Disease
Zhelyazkova VL, Hubancheva A, Radoslavov G, Toshkova NL and Puechmaille S.
International Journal of Speleology, 2020; 49 (2): 145–154.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.5038/1827-806X.49.2.2326]
84–Mating type determination within a microsatellite multiplex for the fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of white-nose disease in bats
Dool SE, Altewischer A, Fischer NM, Drees KP, Foster JT, Fritze M and Puechmaille S.
Conservation Genetics Resources, 2020; 12 (2):45–48.
[Abstract and pdf] [Free full-text view-only version] [doi:10.1007/s12686-018-1064-6]
83–Six new reference-quality bat genomes illuminate the molecular basis and evolution of bat adaptations
Jebb D, Huang Z, Pippel M, Hughes GM, Lavrichenko K, Devanna P, Winkler S, Jermiin LS, Skirmuntt EC, Katzourakis A, Burkitt-Gray L, Ray DA, Sullivan KA, Roscito JG, Kirilenko BM, Davalos LM, Corthals AP, Power M, Jones G, Ransome RD, Dechmann D, Locatelli AG, Puechmaille S, Fedrigo O, Jarvis ED, Springer MS, Hiller M, Vernes SC, Myers EW and Teeling EC.
bioRxiv, 2019; 836874.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1101/836874]
82–Integrating population genetics to define conservation units from the core to the edge of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum western range
Tournayre O, Pons J-B, Leuchtmann M, Leblois R, Piry S, Filippi-Codaccioni O, Loiseau A, Duhayer J, Garin I, Mathews F, Puechmaille S, Charbonnel N and Pontier D.
Ecology and Evolution, 2019; 9 (21): 12272–12290.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1002/ece3.5714]
81–Population-level sensitivity to landscape variables reflects individual-based habitat selection in a woodland bat species
Jan P-L, Zarzoso-Lacoste D, Fourcy D, Baudouin A, Farcy O, Boireau J, Le Gouar P, Puechmaille S and Petit EJ.
bioRxiv, 2019; 752733..
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1101/752733]
80–Range expansion is associated with increased survival and fecundity in a long-lived bat species
Jan P-l, Lehnen L, Besnard AL, Kerth G, Biedermann M, Schorcht W, Petit EJ, Le Gouar P and Puechmaille S.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2019; 286 (1906) 20190384.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.0384]
79–The patterns and possible causes of global geographical variation in the body size of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)
Jiang T, Wang J, Wu H, Csorba G, Puechmaille S, Benda P, Boireau J, Toffoli R, Courtois J-Y, Nyssen P, Colombo R and Feng J.
Journal of Biogeography, 2019; 46 (10): 2363–2377.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/jbi.13658]
78–Unavailable names in the Myotis nattereri species complex
Ruedi M, Puechmaille S., Ibáñez C and Juste J.
Journal of Biogeography, 2019; 46 (9): 2145–2146.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/jbi.13665]
77–Longitudinal comparative transcriptomics reveals unique mechanisms underlying extended healthspan in bats
Huang Z, Whelan CV, Foley NM, Jebb D, Touzalin F, Petit EJ, Puechmaille S. and Teeling EC.
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2019; 16 (1): 150–162.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0913-3]
76–Considering adaptive genetic variation in climate change vulnerability assessment reduces species range loss projections
Razgour O, Forester B, Taggart J, Bekaert M, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Puechmaille S., Fernandez RN, Alberdi A and Manel S.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2019; 116: 10418–10423.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1073/pnas.1820663116]
75–Major roads have important negative effects on insectivorous bat activity
Claireau F, Bas Y, Pauwels J, Barré K, Machon N, Allegrini B, Puechmaille S. and Kerbiriou C.
Biological Conservation, 2019; 235: 53–62.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.04.002]
74–Screening and biosecutiry for Whie-Nose fungus (Pseudogymnoascus destructans) in Hawai
Zhelyazkova VL, Toshkova NL, Dool SE, Bonaccorso FJ, Pinzari CA, Montoya-Aiona K and Puechmaille S.
Pacific Science, 2019; 73 (3): 357–365.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.2984/73.3.4]
73–Bat overpasses as an alternative solution to restore habitat connectivity in the context of road requalification
Claireau F, Bas Y, Julien J-F, Machon N, Allegrini B, Puechmaille S. and Kerbiriou C.
Ecological Engineering, 2019; 131: 34–38..
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.02.011]
72–Phenotypic plasticity closely linked to climate at origin and resulting in increased mortality under warming and frost stress in a common grass
Kreyling J, Puechmaille S., Malyshev A and Valladares F.
Ecology and Evolution, 2019; 9 (3): 1344–1352.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1002/ece3.4848]
71–Bat overpasses: an insufficient solution to restore habitat connectivity across roads
Claireau F, Bas Y, Puechmaille S., Julien J-F, Allegrini B and Kerbiriou C.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2019; 56 (3): 573–584.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13288]
70–A continent-scale study of the social structure and phylogeography of the bent-wing bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (Mammalia: Chiroptera), using new microsatellite data
Gürün K, Furman A, Juste J, Ramos Pereira MJ, Palmeirim JM, Puechmaille S, Hulva P, Presetnik P, Hamidovic D, Ibáñez C, Karatas A, Allegrini B, Georgiakakis P, Scaravelli D, Uhrin M, Nicolaou H, Abi-Said MR, Nagy ZL, Gazaryan S and Bilgin R.
Journal of Mammalogy, 2019; 100 (6): 1865–1878.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1093/jmammal/gyz153]
69–Two new cryptic bat species within the Myotis nattereri species complex (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera) from the Western Palaearctic
Juste J, Ruedi M, Puechmaille S., Salicini I and Ibáñez C.
Acta Chiropterologica, 2018; 20 (2): 285-300..
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.3161/15081109ACC2018.20.2.001]
68–Using Approximate Bayesian Computation to infer sex ratios from acoustic data
Lehnen L, Schorcht W, Karst I, Biedermann M, Kerth G and Puechmaille S.
PLoS ONE, 2018; 13 (6): e0199428.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0199428]
67–Population level mitogenomics of long-lived bats reveals dynamic heteroplasmy and challenges the Free Radical Theory of Ageing
Jebb D, Foley NM, Whelan CV, Touzalin F, Puechmaille S. and Teeling EC.
Scientific Reports, 2018; 8: 13634.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1101/224592]
66–Identifying unusual mortality events in bats: a baseline for bat hibernation monitoring and white-nose syndrome research
Fritze M and Puechmaille S.
Mammal Review, 2018; 48 (3) 224–228.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/mam.12122] [Full list of contributors [pdf]]
65–Male-biased dispersal and the potential impact of human-induced habitat modifications on the Neotropical bat Trachops cirrhosus
Halczok T, Brändel SD, Flores V, Puechmaille S., Tschapka M, Page RA and Kerth G.
Ecology and Evolution, 2018; 8 (12): 6065–6080..
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1002/ece3.4161]
64–SARS-CoV related Betacoronavirus and diverse Alphacoronavirus members found in western old-world
Ar Gouilh M, Puechmaille S., Diancourt L, Vandenbogaert M, Serra-Cobo J, Lopez Roďg M, Brown P, Moutou F, Caro V, Vabret A and Manuguerra J-C.
Virology, 2018; 517 88–97.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.virol.2018.01.014]
63–Growing old, yet staying young: the role of telomeres in bats' exceptional longevity
Foley NM, Hughes GM, Huang Z, Clarke M, Jebb D, Whelan CV, Petit EJ, Touzalin F, Farcy O, Jones G, Ransome RD, Kacprzyk J, O'Connell MJ, Kerth G, Rebelo H, Rodrigues L, Puechmaille S and Teeling EC.
Science Advances, 2018; 4 (2): eaao0926..
[Abstract and open access pdf] [doi:10.1126/sciadv.aao0926]
62–Bat biology, genomes, and the Bat1K Project: to generate chromosome-level genomes for all living bat species
Teeling E, Vernes S, Davalos LM, Ray DA, Gilbert MTP, Myers E and Bat1K Consortium* (*including Puechmaille S.)
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 2018; 6 (1)..
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1146/annurev-animal-022516-022811]
61–Mycobiomes of sympatric Amorphophallus albispathus and Camellia sinensis differ in diversity and composition and display clear tissue preferences
Unterseher M, Karunarathna S, Garcia Cruz R, Dagamac NH, Borg Dahl M, Dool SE, Galla M, Herbst L, Nilsson H, Puechmaille S, Schöner MG, Schöner CR, Siddique AB, Teltewskoi A, Wicke K, Würth DG, Wurzbacher C and Hyde KD.
Mycological Progress, 2018; 17(4): 489–500.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1007/s11557-018-1375-8]
60–Is there a link between aging and microbiome diversity in exceptional mammalian longevity?
Hughes GM, Leech J, Puechmaille S, Lopez JV and Teeling EC.
PeerJ, 2018; 6: e4174.
[Abstract and open access pdf] [doi:10.7717/peerj.4174]
59–Combining noninvasive genetics and a new mammalian sex-linked marker provides new tools to investigate population size, structure and individual behaviour: an application to bats
Zarzoso-Lacoste D, Jan P-L, Lehnen L, Girard T, Besnard A-L, Puechmaille S and Petit E.
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2018; 18: 218-228.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12727]
58–Phylogenetics of a fungal invasion: Origins and widespread dispersal of white-nose syndrome
Drees KP, Lorch JM, Puechmaille S, Parise KL, Wibbelt G, Hoyt JR, Sun K, Jargalsaikhan A, Dalannast M, Palmer JM, Lindner DL, Kilpatrick AM, Pearson T, Keim P, Blehert DS and Foster JT.
mBio, 2017;8(6): e01941–17.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1128/mBio.01941-17]
57–A potent anti-inflammatory response in bat macrophages may be linked to extended longevity and viral tolerance
Kacprzyk J, Hughes GM, Palsson-McDermott EM, Quinn SR, Puechmaille S, O'Neill LAJ, Teeling EC.
Acta Chiropterologica, 2017; 19(2): 219–228.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.3161/15081109ACC2017.19.2.001]
56–Stabilization of a bat-pitcher plant mutualism
Schöner MG, Schöner CR, Ermisch R, Puechmaille S, Grafe TU, Tan MC, Kerth G.
Scientific Reports, 2017;7(1): 13170.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13535-5]
55–Which temporal resolution to consider when investigating the impact of climatic data on population dynamics? The case of the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros)
Jan P-L, Farcy O, Boireau J, Le Texier E, Baudouin A, Le Gouar P, Puechmaille S and Petit EJ.
Oecologia, 2017; 184 (4): 749–761..
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1007/s00442-017-3901-9]
54–Characterization of microsatellites in Pseudogymnoascus destructans for White-nose Syndrome genetic analysis
Drees KP, Parise KL, Rivas SM, Felton LL, Puechmaille S, Keim P and Foster JT.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 2017;53(4):869–874.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.7589/2016-09-217]
53–Towards navigating the Minotaur's Labyrinth: cryptic diversity and taxonomic revision within the speciose genus Hipposideros (Hipposideridae)
Foley NM, Goodman SM, Whelan CW, Puechmaille S and Teeling EC.
Acta Chiropterologica, 2017;19(1): 1–18.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.3161/15081109ACC2017.19.1.001]
52–Evidence for genetic variation in Natterer's bats (Myotis nattereri) across three regions in Germany but no evidence for co-variation with their associated astroviruses
Halczok T, Fischer K, Gierke R, Zeus V, Meier F, Tress C, Balkema-Buschmann A, Puechmaille S and Kerth G.
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2017; 17(5).
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.1186/s12862-016-0856-0]
51–Con- and heterospecific social groups affect each other's resource use: a study on roost sharing among bat colonies
Zeus V, Puechmaille S and Kerth G.
Animal Behaviour, 2017; 123.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.11.015]
50–The complete mitochondrial genome of the Greater Mouse-Eared Bat, Myotis myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae)
Jebb D, Foley N, Puechmaille S and Teeling EC
Mitochondrial DNA, 2017; 28: 347–349.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.3109/19401736.2015.1122775]
49–The effects of human-mediated habitat fragmentation on a sedentary woodland-associated species (Rhinolophus hipposideros) at its range margin
Dool SE, Puechmaille S, Kelleher C, McAney K and Teeling EC.
Acta Chiropterologica, 2016; 18(2): 377–393.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.3161/15081109ACC2016.18.2.006]
48–Patterns of orofacial clefting in the facial morphology of bats: a possible naturally-occurring model of cleft palate
Orr DJA, Teeling EC, Puechmaille S and Finarelli JA.
Journal of Anatomy, 2016; 229(5): 657–672.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/joa.12510]
47–Phylogeographic-based conservation implications for the New Zealand long-tailed bat, (Chalinolobus tuberculatus): identification of a single ESU and a candidate population for genetic rescue
Dool SE, O'Donnell C, F. J., Monks JM, Puechmaille S and Kerth G.
Conservation Genetics, 2016; 17: 1067–1079.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1007/s10592-016-0844-3]
46–Circum-Mediterranean phylogeography of a bat coupled with past environmental niche modelling: a new paradigm for the recolonization of Europe?
Bilgin R, Gürün K, Rebelo H, Puechmaille S, Maraci Ö, Presetnik P, Benda P, Hulva P, Ibáñez C, Hamidovic D, Fressel N, Horáček I, Karataş A, Karataş A, Allegrini B, Georgiakakis P, Gazaryan S, Nagy Z, Abi-Said M, Lučan RK, Bartonička T, Nicolaou H, Scaravelli D, Karapandža B, Uhrin M, Paunović M and Juste J.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2016; 99: 323–336.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.03.024]
45–Acoustic identification of Mexican bats based on taxonomic and ecological constraints on call design
Zamora-Gutierrez V, Lopez-Gonzalez C, MacSwiney Gonzalez MC, Fenton B, Jones G, Kalko E, Puechmaille S, Stathopoulos V and Jones K.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2016; 7(9): 1082–1091.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12556] [Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository] [doi:10.5061/dryad.760r8]
44–The program STRUCTURE does not reliably recover the correct population structure when sampling is uneven: sub-sampling and new estimators alleviate the problem
Puechmaille S
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2016; 16(3): 608–627.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12512] [Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository] [doi:10.5061/dryad.2d4m9] [Featured in the Molecular Ecologist] [Featured in a Perspective in Molecular Ecology Resources]
43–Nuclear introns outperform mitochondrial DNA in inter-specific phylogenetic reconstruction: lessons from horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae: Chiroptera) (*joint first author)
Dool S, Puechmaille S*, Foley N, Allegrini B, Bastian A, Mutumi G, Maluleke T, Odendaal L, Teeling E and Jacobs D
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2016; 97:196–212.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.01.003] [Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository] [doi:10.5061/dryad.s630c]
42–A non-lethal sampling method to obtain, generate and assemble whole-blood transcriptomes from small, wild animals
Huang Z, Gallot A, Lao NT, Puechmaille S, Foley NM, Jebb D, Bekaert M and Teeling EC
Molecular Ecology Resources, 2016; 16(1):150–162.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/1755-0998.12447]
41–Will reduced host connectivity curb the spread of a devastating epidemic? (*invited contribution)
Petit E, and Puechmaille S*
Molecular Ecology, 2015; 24: 5491–5494.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/mec.13406]
40–Bats are acoustically attracted to mutualistic carnivorous plants
Schöner MG, Schöner CR, Simon R, Grafe TU, Puechmaille S, Ji LL and Kerth G
Current Biology, 2015; 25(14): R609–R610.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.05.054] [Nature Research Highlights] [Science News]
39–White-Nose Syndrome fungus introduced from Europe to North America
Leopardi S, Damer B and , Puechmaille S
Current Biology, 2015; 25(6): R217–219.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.01.047]
38–Disease alters macroecological patterns of North American bats
Frick W, Puechmaille S, Hoyt JR, Nickel BA, Langwig KE, Foster JT, Horáček I, Bartonička T, Barlow KE, Haarsma A-J, van der Kooij J, Rodrigues L, Mulkens B, Petrov B, Herzog C, Reynolds R, Stihler CW, Turner GG, Feller D and Kilpatrick AM
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2015; 24: 741–749.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/geb.12290]
37–How and why overcome the impediments to resolution: lessons from rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats (*joint senior author)
Foley NM, Thong VD, Soisook P, Goodman SM, Armstrong K, Jacobs D, Puechmaille S* and Teeling EC
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2015; 32(2): 313–333.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1093/molbev/msu329]
36–Further evidence for cryptic north-western refugia in Europe? Mitochondrial phylogeography of the sibling species Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Pipistrellus pygmaeus
Boston ESM, Puechmaille S, Clissmann F and Teeling EC
Acta Chiropterologica, 2014; 16(2): 263–277.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.3161/150811014X687233]
35–Female mate choice can drive the evolution of high frequency echolocation in bats: a case study with Rhinolophus mehelyi
Puechmaille S, Borissov I, Zsebok S, Allegrini B, Hizem MW, Kuenzel S, Schuchmann M, Teeling EC and Siemers BM
PLoS ONE, 2014; 9(7): e103452.
[Open access pdf] [doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103452]
34–Scale-dependent effects of landscape variables on gene flow and population structure in bats
Razgour O, Rebelo H, Puechmaille S, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Burke T, Dawson DA and Jones G
Diversity and Distributions, 2014; 20(10): 1173–1185.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/ddi.12200]
33–A new species of the Miniopterus schreibersii species complex (Chiroptera: Miniopteridae) from the Maghreb Region, North Africa
Puechmaille S, Allegrini B, Benda P, Gürün K, Šrámek J, Ibáñez C, Juste J and Bilgin R
Zootaxa, 2014; 3794(1): 108–124.
[Abstract and Open access pdf] [doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3794.1.4]
32–Non-invasive genetics can help find rare species: a case study with Rhinolophus mehelyi and R. euryale (Rhinolophidae: Chiroptera) in western Europe
Puechmaille S and Teeling E
Mammalia, 2014; 78(2): 251–255.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1515/mammalia-2013-0040]
31–Skin lesions in European hibernating bats associated with Geomyces destructans, the etiologic agent of White-Nose Syndrome
Wibbelt G, Puechmaille SJ, Ohlendorf B, Mühldorfer C, Bosch T, Görföl T, Passior K, Kurth A, Lacremans D and Forget F
PLoS ONE, 2013; 8(9): e74105.
[Open access pdf] [doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074105]
30–Factors affecting geographic variation in echolocation calls of the endemic Myotis davidii in China
Jiang T, You Y, Liu S, Lu G, Wang L, Wu H, Berquist SW, Ho J, Puechmaille SJ and Feng J
Ethology, 2013; 119(10):881–890.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/eth.12130]
29–The shaping of genetic variation in edge-of-range populations under past and future climate change
Razgour O, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Kiefer A, Rebelo H, Puechmaille SJ, Arlettaz R, Burke T, Dawson DA, Beaumont M and Jones G
Ecology Letters, 2013; 16(10): 1258–1266.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/ele.12158]
28–Premières données sur la présence de la Pipistrelle de Nathusius (Pipistrellus nathusii) en Aveyron
Puechmaille SJ
Le Vespčre, 2013; 3 191–194..
[Open access pdf]
27–Vespertilion (Myotis) latipennis (Crespon, 1844) : un nom pour la nouvelle espčce Myotis sp. A du groupe nattereri ?
Allegrini B and Puechmaille SJ
Le Vespčre, 2013; 3 181–183..
[Open access pdf]
26–Phylogeography and postglacial recolonisation of Europe by Rhinolophus hipposideros: evidence from multiple genetic markers
Dool, S, Puechmaille S, Dietz C, Juste J, Ibáñez C, Hulva P, Roue S, Petit E, Jones G, Russo D, Toffoli R, Viglino A, Martinoli A, Rossiter SJ and Teeling E
Molecular Ecology, 2013; 22(15): 4055–4070.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/mec.12373]
25–Bat fauna of Tunisia: review of records and new records, morphometrics and echolocation data
Puechmaille S, Hizem W, Allegrini B and Abiadh A
Vespertilio, 2012; 16: 211–239.
[Open access pdf]
24–Phylogeny of the Emballonurini (Emballonuridae) with descriptions of a new genus and species from Madagascar
Goodman SM, Puechmaille S, Friedli-Weyeneth N, Gerlach J, Ruedi M, Schoeman C, Stanley WT and Teeling EC
Journal of Mammalogy, 2012; 93(6): 1440–1455.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1644/11-MAMM-A-271.1]
23–Resolving a mammal mystery: the identity of Paracoelops megalotis (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae)
Thong VD, Dietz C, Denzinger A, Bates PJJ, Puechmaille S, Callou C and Schnitzler H-U
Zootaxa, 2012; 3505: 75–85.
22–A continental-scale tool for acoustic identification of European bats
Walters C, Maltby A, Dietz C, Fenton B, Jones G, Obrist M, Puechmaille S, Sattler T, Siemers B, Jones K and Parsons S
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2012; 49(5): 1064–1074.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2012.02182.x]
21–Horseshoe bats recognise the sex of conspecifics from their echolocation calls
Schuchmann M, Puechmaille S, Siemers B
Acta Chiropterologica, 2012; 14(1): 161–166.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.3161/150811012X654376]
20–Empirical assessment of non-invasive population genetics in bats: comparison of DNA quality from faecal and tissue samples
Boston E, Puechmaille S, Buckley D, Lundy M, Scott D, Prodöhl P, Montgomery I and Teeling E
Acta Chiropterologica, 2012; 14(1): 45–52.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.3161/150811012X654259]
19–Biogeography of Old World emballonurine bats (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) inferred with mitochondrial and nuclear DNA
Ruedi M, Friedli-Weyeneth N, Teeling EC, Puechmaille S and Goodman SM
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2012; 64(1): 204–211.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.03.019]
18–Genetic analyses reveal further cryptic lineages within the Myotis nattereri species complex
Puechmaille S, Allegrini B, Boston E, Dubourg-Savage M-J, Evin A, Le Bris Y, Knochel A, Lecoq V, Lemaire M, Rist D and Teeling EC
Mammalian Biology – Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 2012; 77(3): 224–228.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2011.11.004]
17–Systematics of the Hipposideros turpis complex with a description of a new subspecies from Vietnam
Thong, VD, Puechmaille S, Denzinger A, Bates PJJ, Dietz C, Csorba G, Soisook P, Teeling EC, Matsumura S, Furey N and Schnitzler H-U
Mammal Review, 2012;42(2):166–192.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1111/j.1365-2907.2011.00202.x]
16–A new species of Hipposideros (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from Vietnam
Thong, VD, Puechmaille S, Denzinger A, Csorba G, Dietz C, Bates PJJ, Teeling EC and Schnitzler H-U
Journal of Mammalogy, 2012; 93(1): 1–11.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1644/11-MAMM-A-073.1]
15–The evolution of sensory divergence in the context of limited gene flow in the bumblebee bat
Puechmaille S, Ar Gouilh M, Piyapan P, Yokubol M, Khin Mie Mie, Bates P, Satasook C, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Mackie I, Petit E Teeling EC
Nature Communications, 2011; 2, 573.
[Open access pdf] [doi:10.1038/ncomms1582]
14–SARS-Coronavirus ancestor's foot-prints in South-East Asian bat colonies and the refuge theory
Ar Gouilh M, Puechmaille S, Gonzalez JP, Teeling E, Pattamaporn K and Manuguerra J-C
Infection Genetics and Evolution, 2011; 11(7): 1690–1702.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.meegid.2011.06.021]
13–White nose syndrome: is this emerging disease a threat to European bats?
Puechmaille S, Frick WF, Kunz TH, Racey PA, Voigt C, Wibbelt G and Teeling EC
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2011; 26(11): 570–576.
[Abstract and pdf] [doi:10.1016/j.tree.2011.06.013]
12–A critical assessment of the presence of Barbastella barbastellus and Nyctalus noctula in Ireland with a description of N. leisleri echolocation calls from Ireland (*joint first author)
Buckley D, Puechmaille S*, Roche N and Teeling E
Hystrix, Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 2011; 22(1): 111–127.
[Open access pdf] [doi:10.4404/Hystrix-22.1.4472]
11–A rapid PCR-based assay for identification of cryptic Myotis sp. (M. mystacinus, M. brandtii and M. alcathoe)
Boston E, Hanrahan N, Puechmaille S, Ruedi M, Buckley DJ, Lundy M, Scott DD, Prodöhl PA, Montgomery WI, and Teeling EC
Conservation Genetics Resources, 2011; 3(3): 557–563.
[abstract & pdf] [doi:10.1007/s12686-011-9404-9]
10–Effect of sample preservation methods on the viability of Geomyces destructans, the fungus associated with white-nose syndrome in bats
Puechmaille S, Fuller H and Teeling EC
Acta Chiropterologica, 2011; 13(1): 217–221.
[abstract & pdf] [doi:10.3161/150811011X578778]
9–A taxonomic review of Rhinolophus coelophyllus Peters 1867 and R. shameli Tate 1943 (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) in continental Southeast Asia
Ith S, Soisook P, Bumrungsri S, Kingston T, Puechmaille S, Struebig M, Si Si Hla Bu, Thong V, Furey N, Hammond N and Bates P
Acta Chiropterologica, 2011; 13(1): 41–59.
[abstract & pdf] [doi:10.3161/150811011X578615]
8–Pan-European distribution of white-nose syndrome fungus (Geomyces destructans) not associated with mass mortality
Puechmaille S, Wibbelt G, Korn V, Fuller H, Forget F, Mühldorfer K, Kurth A, Bogdanowicz W, Borel C, Bosch T, Cherezy T, Drebet M, Görföl T, Haarsma A-J, Herhaus F, Hallart G, Hammer M, Jungmann C, Le Bris Y, Lutsar L, Masing M, Mulkens B, Passior K, Starrach M, Wojtaszewski A, Zöphel U and Teeling EC
PLoS ONE, 2011; 6(4): e19167.
[Open access pdf] [doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019167]
7–A taxonomic review of Hipposideros halophyllus, with additional information on H. ater and H. cineraceus (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from Thailand and Myanmar
Douangboubpha B, Bumrungsri S, Murray S, Puechmaille S, Satasook C, Si Si Hla Bu, Harrison D and Bates P
Acta Chiropterologica, 2010; 12(1): 29–50.
[abstract & pdf] [doi:10.3161/150811010X504572]
6–White-nose syndrome fungus (Geomyces destructans) in bat, France
Puechmaille S, Verdeyroux P, Fuller H, Ar Gouilh M, Bekaert M, and Teeling EC
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2010; 16(2): 290–293.
[Open Access pdf] [Technical Appendix] [doi:10.3201/eid1602.091391] [Science News of the Week] [Nature News ] [PLoS Biodiversity HUB]
5–Population size, distribution, threats and conservation status of two endangered bat species: Craseonycteris thonglongyai and Hipposideros turpis
Puechmaille S, Soisook P, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Ar Gouilh M, Khin Mie Mie, Khin Khin Kyaw, Mackie I, Bumrungsri S, Dejtaradol A, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Satasook C, Bates P and Teeling E
Endangered Species Research, 2009; 8(1–2): 15–23.
[abstract & pdf] [Open Access pdf] [doi:10.3354/esr00157]
4–Characterization and multiplex genotyping of 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered bumblebee-bat, Craseonycteris thonglongyai (Chiroptera: Craseonycteridae)
Puechmaille S, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Ar Gouilh M, Khin Mie Mie, Bates P, Satasook C, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Mackie I and Teeling E
Conservation Genetics, 2009; 10(4): 1073–1076.
[abstract & pdf] [doi:10.1007/s10592-008-9691-1]
3–Empirical evaluation of non-invasive Capture-Mark-Recapture estimates of population size based on a single sampling session
Puechmaille S, and Petit E
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007; 44(4): 843–852.
[abstract & pdf] [doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01321.x]
2–Good DNA from bat droppings
Puechmaille S, Mathy G and Petit E
Acta Chiropterologica, 2007; 9(1): 269–276.
[abstract & pdf] [doi:10.3161/1733-5329(2007)9[269:GDFBD]2.0.CO;2]
1–Characterization of 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros (Rhinolophidae, Chiroptera)
Puechmaille S, Mathy G and Petit E
Molecular Ecology Notes, 2005; 5(4): 941–944.
[abstract & pdf] [doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2005.01123.x]
Mehely's Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus mehelyi Matschie, 1901
Puechmaille S
Handbook of the Mammals of Europe (eds. Khackländer K., Zachos F.E.), 2020.
[Abstract & PDF] [doi:10.1007/978-3-319-65038-8_42-1]
White-nose syndrome in bats
Frick W, Puechmaille S and Willis CKR
In Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of bats in a changing world (eds. Voigt C.C., Kingston T.), 2016.
[Open Access PDF] [doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25220-9_9]
CMRPopHet (+ Manual; updated 14/03/2011)
Capture Mark Recapture Population estimates (from Petit & Valière, 2006) and Heterogeneity test (from Puechmaille & Petit, 2007)
Kestimator (+ Manual; updated 02/07/2017)
Estimates of the number of clusters K from STRUCTURE outputs (from Puechmaille, 2016)
ABC-acoustic (+ Manual; updated 21/06/2018)
Estimates sex-ratio from acoustic data under using Approximate Bayesian Computing (from Lehnen et al., 2018)
52–Population genetics as a tool to elucidate pathogen reservoirs: Lessons from Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of white-nose disease in bats
Fischer NM, Altewischer A, Ranpal S, Dool SE, Kerth G and Puechmaille S*
Small Mammals Meeting, INRAE Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 22nd November 2021 (*denotes speaker)
51–New tools for setting-up large scale monitoring programs of the causative agent of the White-Nose Disease, Pseudogymnoascus destructans, in bats and their environment
Puechmaille S, Fritze M, Niessen L, Fickel J, Wibbelt G, Voigt C and Czirják G
XVth European Bat Research Symposium, Turku, Finland, 4th-7th May 2021
50–All about the life of the lesser horseshoe bat via acoustics
Puechmaille S
18èmes Rencontres Nationales Chauves-souris, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, Bourges, France, 26th-27th March 2021
49–Recovering NUMTs from full bat genomes, a mine of information
Puechmaille S
Biodiversity Genomics Meeting 2020, Welcome Sanger Institute, 5th 9th October 2020
48–On the use and misuse of mitochondrial DNA in taxonomy and phylogeny
Puechmaille S, and Dool SE
XVIII International Bat Research Conference, Phuket, Thailand, 28th July-1st August 2019
47–Population Genetic Structure and Movement of the White-Nose Disease Fungus, Pseudogymnoascus destructans, within and between Continents
Puechmaille S, Fischer NM, Ranpal S, Stecker R-M, Altewischer A, Toshkova N, Zhelyazkova V, Blomberg A, Lilley T, Fritze M and Dool SE
XVIII International Bat Research Conference, Phuket, Thailand, 28th July-1st August 2019
46–Comparing what is ecologically comparable in interspecific ageing studies
Puechmaille S
The Banbury Center Meeting on Bats: New Models for Aging Research, The Banbury Center, Lloyd Harbor, New York, 11th-14th March 2018. (Invited speaker)
45–Origin and impacts of the causative agent of White Nose Disease on hibernating bats
Puechmaille S, Santos H, Rebelo H and Fritze M
91st Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde), Greifswald, Germany, 18th-21st September 2017
44–Population genetic structure of Pseudogymnoascus destructans in the Western Palearctic: where did it all start?
Puechmaille S, Ranpal S, Stecker, RM, Fischer N, Altewischer A, Toshkova N, Zhelyazhkova V, Fritze M, Dool S
XIVth European Bat Research Symposium, Donostia, The Basque Country, 1st-5th August 2017
43–Contrasting phylogeography and population structure in two ecologically similar Rhinolophus species, R. euryale and R. mehelyi
Puechmaille S, Allegrini B, Bilgin R, Abiadh A, Mucedda M, Ibáñez C, Juste J, Papadatou E, Georgiakakis P, Russo D, Sharifi M, Salsamendi E, Garin I, Rebelo H, Toffoli R, Courtois J-Y, Rambaut D, Siemers B and Teeling E
XIVth European Bat Research Symposium, Donostia, The Basque Country, 1st-5th August 2017
42–Using genetic and genomic tools to understand disease emergence: a case study with Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of the White-Nose Disease in bats
Puechmaille S, Stecker, RM, Fischer N, Altewischer A, Dool S, Fritze M, Toshkova N, Zhelyazhkova V, Foster J, Drees K, Santos H and Rebelo H
Population Genomics of Fungal and Oomycete Diseases of Animals and Plants Conference, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 7th–11th May 2017
41–Moving beyond borders: understanding the past to better predict the future for a bat fungal pathogen
Puechmaille S, Stecker, RM, Fischer N, Dool S, Altewischer A, Fritze M, Toshkova N, Zhelyazhkova V, Santos H and Rebelo H
5th international Berlin bat meeting: Are bats special? Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin, Germany, 24th–26th February 2017
40–New data retracing the origin of the causative agent of White-Nose Disease to Europe
Puechmaille S
16èmes Rencontres Nationales Chauves-souris, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, Bourges, France, 26th-27th March 2016
39–Investigations into the origins and spread of the causative agent of White Nose Disease in bats
Puechmaille S
Royal Society Meeting on Tackling emerging threats to animal health, food security and ecosystem resilience: the state of the art, Chicheley Hall, UK, 9th–10th March 2016. (Invited speaker)
38–Investigation into the origin and impacts of the causative agent of White Nose Disease on bats
Puechmaille S, Fritze M, Leopardi S, Blake D, Frick W, Kilpatrick M and Rebelo H
27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpellier, France, 2nd–6th August 2015.
37–Investigation into the transmission and spread of Geomyces destructans, the etiologic agent of White Nose Disease
Puechmaille S
4th International Berlin bat meeting: Movement ecology of bats, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin, Germany, 13th–15th March 2015.
36–Distribution and ecology of Geomyces destructans in Eurasia and its relationship with bats
Puechmaille S
7th White Nose Syndrome Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., 8th–12th Septembre 2014. (Invited speaker)
35–On the presence and ecology of Geomyces destructans in Eurasia and its relationship with bats
Puechmaille S and Fritze M
XIIIth European Bat Research Symposium, Sibenik, Croatia, 1st–5th Septembre 2014.
34–Female mate choice can drive the evolution of high frequency echolocation
Puechmaille S, Borissov I, Zsebok S, Allegrini B, Hizem M, Künzel S, Schuchmann M, Teeling E, and Siemers B
XIIIth European Bat Research Symposium, Sibenik, Croatia, 1st–5th Septembre 2014.
33–Biogeography and population structure in Rhinolophus mehelyi and R. euryale
Puechmaille S
15èmes Rencontres Nationales Chauves-souris, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, Bourges, France, 14th–16th March 2014.
32–Modelling Geomyces destructans distribution in North America and Eurasia using ecological niche modelling: what can we learn?
Puechmaille S and Rebelo H
6th White Nose Syndrome Symposium, Boise, Idaho, U.S.A., 3rd–6th Septembre 2013. (Invited speaker)
31–Phylogenomic and population genetic studies elucidate the evolution and functional roles of echolocation in bats
Puechmaille S, Siemers B and Teeling E
XVI International Bat Research Conference & 43rd NASBR, San José, Costa Rica, 12th–15rd August 2013. (Invited speaker)
30–Predicting the potential distribution of Geomyces destructans in Eurasia and North America using ecological niche modelling
Puechmaille S and Rebelo H
XVI International Bat Research Conference & 43rd NASBR, San José, Costa Rica, 12th–15rd August 2013. (Invited speaker)
29–Bats as a novel model to study sensory speciation
Puechmaille S, Siemers B and Teeling E
Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., 7th–11th July 2013.
28–Modelling Geomyces destructans distribution in North America and Eurasia using ecological niche modelling: what can we learn?
Puechmaille S and Rebelo H
Third international Berlin bat meeting: bats in the anthropocene, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin, Germany, 1st–3rd March 2013.(Invited speaker)
27–Predicting the potential distribution of Geomyces destructans in Eurasia and North America using ecological niche modelling
Puechmaille S and Rebelo H
5th White Nose Syndrome Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 4th–7th June 2012. (Invited speaker)
26–Morphology, genetics and echolocation, which criteria to use for defining and distinguishing species
Puechmaille S
14èmes Rencontres Nationales Chauves-souris, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, Bourges, France, 3rd–4th March 2012. (Invited key-note speaker)
25–Overview of the distribution and dynamics of Geomyces destructans across Europe and potential threats to bats
Puechmaille S, Wibbelt G, Frick W, Kunz T, Racey P, Voigt C, and Teeling EC
41th Annual Meeting of the North American Society for Bat Research, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada, 26th–29st October 2011. (Invited speaker)
24–Determining factors shaping population structure in a flying mammal, the bumble-bee bat Craseonycteris thonglongyai
Puechmaille S, Ar Gouilh M, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Khin Mie Mie, Satasook C, Bates P, Petit E, Mackie I, and Teeling EC
International Conference in Landscape Genetics, Bialowieza, Poland, 10th–12th October 2011. (Invited speaker)
23–Female Rhinolophus mehelyi prefer males with high frequency echolocation calls
Puechmaille S, Schuchmann M, Zsebok S*, Borissov I, Teeling E, and Siemers B
XIIth European Bat Research Symposium, Vilnius, Lithuania, 22nd–26th August 2011. (*denotes speaker)
22–Distribution and dynamics of Geomyces destructans across Europe
Puechmaille S and Wibbelt G
4th White Nose Syndrome Symposium, Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S.A., 17th–19th May 2011. (Invited speaker)
21–Importance of genetics in distinguishing and defining bat species
Puechmaille S
6th Irish Bat Conference, Ormonde Hotel, Kilkenny, Ireland, 1st–3rd October 2010. (Invited key-note speaker)
20–On the origin of Geomyces destructans, the suspected causative agent of White Nose Syndrome
Puechmaille S
6th Irish Bat Conference, Ormonde Hotel, Kilkenny, Ireland, 1st–3rd October 2010. (Invited speaker)
19–Restricted gene flow is required for sensory speciation in bats
Puechmaille S, Ar Gouilh M, Yokubol M, Piyapan P,Khin Mie Mie, Bates P, Petit E, Mackie I and Teeling E
15th International Bat Research Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 23rd–27th August 2010. (Invited speaker)
18–Population history of Craseonycteris thonglongyai
Puechmaille S, Ar Gouilh M, Yokubol M, Piyapan P,Khin Mie Mie, Bates P, Petit E, Mackie I and Teeling E
15th International Bat Research Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 23rd–27th August 2010. (Invited speaker)
17–The potential threat of White Nose Syndrome to European bats: an action plan
Puechmaille S (on behalf of the White-Nose Syndrome Consortium)
3rd White Nose Syndrome Symposium, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania, U.S.A., 25th–27th May 2010. (Invited speaker)
16–White Nose Syndrome (WNS), update on the situation and ongoing research
Puechmaille S
13èmes Rencontres Nationales Chauves-souris, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, Bourges, France, 20th–21st March 2010.
15–Craseonycteris thonglongyai, a bat that does not fly?
Puechmaille S and Teeling E
13èmes Rencontres Nationales Chauves-souris, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, Bourges, France, 20th–21st March 2010.
14–What do we know about the smallest mammal in the world?
Puechmaille S, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Khin Mie Mie, Bates P and Teeling E
The National Bat Conference – Bat Conservation Trust, University of York, UK, 18th–20th September 2009. (Invited speaker)
13–Does sensory ecology drive speciation in the smallest mammal of the world?
Puechmaille S, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Ar Gouilh M, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Khin Mie Mie, Satasook C, Bates P and Teeling E
Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Iowa City, U.S.A., 3rd–7th June 2009.
12–Is adaptation driving speciation in Craseonycteris thonglongyai: a genetic perspective
Puechmaille S, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Khin Mie Mie, Bates P and Teeling E
XIth European Bat Research Symposium, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 18th–22nd August 2008. (Best student speaker prize)
11–Bats and viruses
Ar Gouilh M and Puechmaille S*
XIth European Bat Research Symposium, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 18th–22nd August 2008. (*denotes speaker)
10–Does intra-specific echolocation call variation relate to phylogenetic history?
Puechmaille S and Teeling E
Vth Irish Bat Conference, Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen, Ireland, 12th–13th October 2007. (Best student speaker prize)
9–Cryptic speciation in Craseonycteris thonglongyai?
Puechmaille S, Bates P and Teeling E
XIV International Bat Research Conference & 37th NASBR, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, 19th–23rd August 2007. (Invited speaker)
8–Noninvasive Genetics: new tools for the study of bat population ecology
Petit E, Rodriguez A and Puechmaille S*
XIV International Bat Research Conference & 37th NASBR, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, 19th–23rd August 2007. (*denotes speaker)
7–Variation in the frequency of the echolocation calls of Craseonycteris thonglongyai in Thailand and Myanmar
Puechmaille S, and Teeling E
The First International South-East Asian Bat Conference, Club Andaman Resort Beach Hotel, Patong, Phuket, Thailand, 7th–10th May 2007.
6–Population genetics and conservation status of the samallest mammal in the world, Craseonycteris thonglongyai
Puechmaille S, and Teeling E
2nd Postgraduate Ecology Forum, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 12th–13th March 2007.
5–Craseonycteris thonglongyai: one species or two?
Puechmaille S, and Teeling E
36th North American Symposium on Bat Research, Hilton Riverside, Wilmington, U.S.A., 18th–21st October 2006.
4–Noninvasive genetics: new tools for the study of evolutionary and functional ecology of bats
Petit E, Puechmaille S, and Valière N
The Wildlife Society 13th Annual Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, 23rd–27th September 2006.
3–Towards noninvasive genetics: guano, a promising fertilizer for bat research
Puechmaille S, and Petit E
International Workshop on Bat Taxonomy and Echolocation, Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand, 21st–25th March 2006.
2–Vers une génétique non-invasive : le guano, un engrais prometteur pour la recherche en chiroptérologie
Petit E, Puechmaille S, & le groupe chiroptères de Bretagne Vivante – SEPNB
11èmes Rencontres Nationales Chauves-souris, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, Bourges, France, 18th–19th March 2006.
1–Population size estimates using a noninvasive Capture-Mark-Recapture method: application to lesser horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus hipposideros, colonies
Puechmaille S, and Petit E
Xth European Bat Research Symposium, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 21st–26th August 2005.
White Nose Disease in bats
Puechmaille S
AGELESS European Research Council Meeting, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 18th–19th Dec 2017.
Mechanisms of speciation and extinction: insights from a diverse Mammalian order (Bats)
Puechmaille S
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 26th Oct 2017.
Mechanisms of speciation and extinction: insights from a diverse Mammalian order (Bats)
Puechmaille S
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 24th Oct 2017.
Mechanisms of speciation and extinction: insights from a diverse Mammalian order (Bats)
Puechmaille S
Museum für Naturkunde Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Berlin, Germany, 17th Jan 2017.
Fungal emerging infectious diseases in bats
Puechmaille S
AGELESS European Research Council Meeting, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 16th–17th Dec 2015.
Data collection, analysis and archiving
Puechmaille S
RESPONSE introductory Worskshop, Insel Usedom, Zinnowitz, Germany, 26th–28th Apr 2015.
Adaptation and evolution of species in their natural habitat
Puechmaille S
Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (CEFE), Montpellier, France, 17th Sep 2014.
Bats as a novel model to study speciation, sensory ecology and sexual selection
Puechmaille S
University of Hambourg, Hambourg, Germany, 7th Nov 2013.
Speciation and population genetics (in bats)
Puechmaille S
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 17th Oct 2013.
Does sensory ecology drive speciation in Craseonycteris thonglongyai (Chiroptera)?
Puechmaille S
University Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France, 30th May 2011.
Speciation in action: what can tell us Craseonycteris thonglongyai?
Puechmaille S
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany, 7th May 2010.
Speciation in action: insights from Craseonycteris thonglongyai
Puechmaille S
Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand, 6th January 2010.
The speciation gene?
Puechmaille S
Postgraduate Seminar Day, University College Dublin, Ireland, 4th December 2008.
Using genetic data and echolocation calls to study population structure and speciation processes in bats
Puechmaille S, Satasook C, Bumrungsri S, Piyapan P, Yokubol M, Nwe T, Hla Bu S-S, Mie Mie K, Bates P and Teeling E
Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand, 12th March 2008.
Modelling and predicting the occurence of a disease: a case study with White Nose Syndrome
Puechmaille S & Rebelo H.
Young Modellers in Ecology (YoMo) Workshop, Hann Münden, Germany, 1st–4th May 2014. (Best poster prize)
Adaptation and selection across a species distribution: the influence of population structure in the world's smallest mammal (the bumble-bee bat)
Puechmaille S, Yokubol M, Piyapan P, Ar Gouilh M, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Kin Mie Mie, Satasook C, Bates P, PEtit E and Teeling E
Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Lyon Convention Center, Lyon, France, 4th–8th July 2010.
First evidence for Geomyces destructans in European bats
Puechmaille S, Verdeyroux P, Fuller H, Ar Gouilh M, Bekaert M, and Teeling E
Second international Berlin bat meeting: bat biology and infectious diseases, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Berlin, Germany, 19th–21st February 2010.
Does sensory ecology drive speciation?
Puechmaille S, Piyapan P, Yokubol M, Satasook C, Tin Nwe, Si Si Hla Bu, Kin Mie Mie, Bates P and Teeling E
Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Recinte Montjuďc – Palau de Congressos de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 5th–8th June 2008.
Conservation and phylogeography of the endangered lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros)
Dool S, Hayden T, Puechmaille S and Teeling E
Symposium on Phylogeography and Conservation of Postglacial Relicts, National Museum of Natural History, Luxembourg, 18th–20th October 2007.
Phylogeography of the endangered lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros)
Dool S, Hayden T, Puechmaille S and Teeling E
Vth Irish Bat Conference, Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen, Ireland, 12th–13th October 2007.
Conservation and phylogeography of the endangered lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros)
Dool S, Hayden T, Puechmaille S and Teeling E
XIV International Bat Research Conference & 37th NASBR, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, 19th–23rd August 2007.
NUMTs and the phylogenetic reconstruction of an ancient lineage
Puechmaille S, Bates P and Teeling E
Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 24th–28th June 2007.
Bat diversity and activity at subalpine grasslands of Varnous and Triklarion Mountains (NW Greece)
Papadatou E, Puechmaille S, Gremillet X, Georgiakakis P, Galand N, Deguines N, Declercq S, Cheyrezy T and Kazoglou Y
In Dry grasslands of Europe: grazing and ecosystem services, M Vrahnakis, AP Kyriazopoulos, D Chouvardas and G Fotiadis, eds. (Prespa), 2012, pp. 233–238..
Biodiversité fonctionnelle en verger de pommier. Les chauves-souris consomment-elles des ravageurs ?
Jay M, Boreau de Roincé C, Ricard J-M, Garcin A, Mandarin J-F, Lavigne C, Bouvier J-C, Tupinier Y and Puechmaille S.
Infos–Ctifl, 2012; 286 28–34..
Syndrome du museau blanc (WNS) : bilan des connaissances et recherches nécessaires
Puechmaille S
Symbioses, 2012; 28: 32–38.
Vers une génétique non-invasive : le guano, un engrais prometteur pour la recherche en chiroptérologie
Petit E, Puechmaille S
Symbioses, 2008; 21: 10–12.
Bat survey on the subalpine grasslands of Mt Varnous (Florina, Greece): preliminary results
Galand N, Declercq S, Cheyrezy T, Puechmaille S, Grémillet X, Deguines N, Papadatou E and Kazoglou Y
Proceedings of the 7th Pan-Hellenic Rangeland Congress, 2010.
Emma Teeling (University College Dublin, Ireland)
Eric Petit (INRA, Rennes, France)
Meriadeg Ar Gouilh (Pasteur Institute, Paris, France)
Orly Razgour (Bristol University, Bristol, United-Kingdom)
Paul Bates (Harrison Institute, Sevenoaks, United-Kingdom)
Rasit Bilgin (Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey)
Chutamas Satasook (Prince of Songhlka University, Hat-Yai, Thailand)
Gudrun Wibbelt (Institu for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin, Germany)
Kate Jones (University College London and The Zoological Society of London, London, United-Kingdom)
Vu Dinh Thong (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam)
Donna Akiyoshi & Dr Alison Robbins (Tufts University, Boston, USA)
Jeff Foster (University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA)