
Cleaning can be a tedious and time-consuming task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are a number of clever cleaning hacks that can make the job easier and more efficient. From using everyday items like lemons and baking soda to using specialized tools for hard-to-reach places, here are some of our favorite cleaning hacks that will help you keep your home clean without breaking a sweat.


1. DIY Cleaning Solutions


DIY cleaning solutions are a great way to save money and reduce your environmental impact. You can use natural ingredients such as baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice to create powerful cleaning solutions that can tackle dirt and grime in your home. For example, you can mix baking soda with water to create a paste that can be used to scrub away tough stains on surfaces such as countertops or stovetops. Vinegar is also an effective cleaner, especially when mixed with warm water. You can use it to clean windows, mirrors, and other glass surfaces. Lemon juice is another natural ingredient that can be used for cleaning – it’s great for removing tough grease stains from kitchen appliances.


You can also use common household items like rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to create your own cleaning solutions. Rubbing alcohol is a great disinfectant and can be used on surfaces such as doorknobs and light switches. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent stain remover and can be used on fabrics such as carpets or upholstery.


2. Use Microfiber Cloths


Microfiber cloths are a must-have for any cleaning arsenal. These lightweight cloths are highly absorbent and can be used to effectively clean all kinds of surfaces without leaving behind lint or streaks. They’re also reusable and machine washable, making them an eco-friendly option for regular cleaning tasks. Microfiber cloths are great for dusting furniture, wiping down countertops, and polishing glass surfaces.


For hard-to-reach areas, you can use an old toothbrush or a cotton swab dipped in a natural cleaning solution to get into tight corners or crevices. An old toothbrush is also great for scrubbing grout lines in the bathroom or kitchen.


3. Steam Cleaning


Steam cleaning is one of the most effective ways to deep clean carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics in your home. A steam cleaner uses hot steam to sanitize and deodorize fabrics while removing dirt, dust mites, and other allergens. It’s a great way to keep your home clean and free of germs without using harsh chemicals.


Steam cleaners are available in both handheld and upright models so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Handheld steam cleaners are great for small spaces while upright models are better suited for larger areas such as carpets or upholstery.


4. Vacuum Regularly


Vacuuming regularly is one of the best ways to keep your home clean and free of dust and dirt particles. Vacuums are designed to pick up dirt and debris from carpets, rugs, upholstery, and other fabrics in your home. Make sure to empty the vacuum bag or canister after each use to ensure that it continues working efficiently.

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For hardwood floors, you should use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment so you don’t scratch the surface of the wood. You should also consider investing in a robotic vacuum cleaner if you want an even deeper clean – these devices can navigate around furniture with ease and provide a thorough clean every time.

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5. Use Baking Soda

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Baking soda is an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used for a variety of cleaning tasks. It’s great for deodorizing carpets and upholstery, removing tough stains from surfaces such as countertops or stovetops, and unclogging drains. To make a simple all-purpose cleaner, mix equal parts baking soda and water in a spray bottle.

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Baking soda is also great for freshening up smelly garbage disposals – just pour some down the drain followed by hot water for an instant freshening effect! You can also sprinkle baking soda on carpets before vacuuming for an extra boost of freshness.

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6. Get Organized

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