Office cleaning services are an essential part of keeping a workspace looking and feeling its best. Unfortunately, there are some common myths about office cleaning services that can cause confusion and frustration. Knowing the truth behind these myths can help you make the most of your office cleaning service.

Myth #1: Office Cleaning Services are Too Expensive

When it comes to the cost of office cleaning services, it’s important to remember that you get what you pay for. While it’s true that some companies may charge more than others, the quality of their service is usually worth the price. Professional office cleaning services use high-quality products and equipment to ensure a thorough and effective cleaning job. Investing in a good office cleaning service can actually save you money in the long run by reducing the need for costly repairs or replacements. For example, if an employee accidentally spills coffee on the carpet, a professional cleaner will be able to remove the stain without having to replace the entire carpet.

Myth #2: Office Cleaning Services Don’t Care About Your Business

The truth is that professional office cleaning services take pride in their work and want to help keep your workspace looking its best. Many office cleaning services offer customized plans that allow you to choose what areas of your workspace they will focus on and how often they will come. This allows them to tailor their services to meet your specific needs and ensures that your business gets the attention it deserves.

Myth #3: Office Cleaning Services Aren’t Safe

Contrary to popular belief, office cleaning services employ safe and effective methods for cleaning. Professional cleaners use only safe and eco-friendly products, such as green-certified detergents, disinfectants, and polishes. They also follow strict safety protocols to ensure that your workspace is free from any potential hazards. Additionally, many office cleaning companies have undergone training on proper safety procedures and have been certified by organizations such as OSHA.

Myth #4: Office Cleaning Services Don’t Do a Thorough Job

Professional office cleaning services take pride in their work and strive to provide an exceptional level of cleanliness every time. They use advanced equipment and techniques to ensure that all surfaces are effectively sanitized and deep cleaned. Additionally, many office cleaning services offer specialized services such as carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, window washing, and furniture refinishing. These specialized services can help ensure that your workspace looks its best at all times.

Myth #5: Office Cleaning Services Don’t Need Supervision

While it is true that many office cleaning services are reliable and trustworthy, it is still important to supervise them while they are working. This ensures that they are following all safety protocols and doing a thorough job. Additionally, it gives you peace of mind knowing that your workspace is being properly taken care of. It is also important to review your contract with the company periodically so that both parties understand what is expected of each other.

Myth #6: All Office Cleaning Services Are The Same

Not all office cleaning services are created equal. Some companies may offer more extensive services than others or may specialize in certain areas such as carpet or window cleaning. When choosing an office cleaning service, it’s important to research different companies in order to find one that meets your needs.


These are just a few of the most common myths about office cleaning services. Understanding the truth behind these myths can help you make an informed decision when selecting an office cleaning service for your business. With the right service provider, you can rest assured knowing that your workspace will be kept clean, safe, organized, and looking its best.

Additionally, if you're looking for ways to reduce costs associated with office cleaning services, consider implementing a self-cleaning policy among employees. Establishing rules such as no eating or drinking at desks or taking off shoes when entering the building can help reduce dirt buildup over time and make it easier for professional cleaners to do their jobs more efficiently.

Finally, don't forget about preventive maintenance! Regularly scheduled maintenance tasks such as dusting vents or wiping down surfaces can help prevent dirt buildup before it becomes a problem. Working with a professional office cleaning service can help you create a comprehensive maintenance plan tailored to meet your specific needs.