(Original Document)
Description of the Function
The DFB EV_DIA allows you to monitor the 2-bit state without taking account of any time correlation.
Additional parameters EN and ENO can be configured.
NOTE: This diagnostic DFB cannot be used in a user DFB.
Representation in FBD
Representation in LD
Representation in IL
CAL EV_1 (ED := Enable_Control, ENABLE := Enable_COND, EVENT := Event_Input, COND := Cond_Input, ERROR => Error_Output, STATUS => Status_Output) 
Representation in ST
EV_1 (ED := Enable_Control, ENABLE := Enable_COND, EVENT := Event_Input, COND := Cond_Input, ERROR => Error_Output, STATUS => Status_Output); 
Description of Parameters
The following table describes the input parameters:
DFB activation bit.
If ED = 0, the EVENT and COND input are not monitored.
The default value is 0.
Monitor enable bit
If ENABLE = 0, only COND input is monitored.
If ENABLE = 1, the COND and EVENT inputs are monitored.
The default value is 0.
Input bit to be monitored.
If the DFB is executed and ENABLE = 1, the DFB verifies that the EVENT input:
  • possesses the value specified by the VALUE public variable,
  • is stable (no switching between 1, 0, 1 state ).
If this is not the case, the DFB will signal that there is a fault.
If ENABLE = 0, theEVENT input is not monitored.
The default value is 0.
Input bit to be monitored.
The input bit to be monitored is set at 1, whatever the status of the ENABLE input.
If the DFB is executed and this bit changes to 0, the DFB will signal that there is a fault.
The default value is 1.
The following table describes the output parameters:
Fault bit
This bit is set to 1 as soon as a fault appears.
This bit is set to 0 if the ED input returns to 0 or if there is no longer an error.
Fault type.
The following bits indicate the type of fault detected :
  • bit 0 =1 : EVENT is different from the VALUE specified
  • bit 1 =1: COND does not possess the expected value of 1
  • bit 8 =1: EVENT is unstable
This word is set at 0 if there is no fault.
This word is set at 0 if the ED input returns to 0 or if there is no longer an error.
Description of variables
The following table describes the public variables:
Comparison value.
Value (0 or 1) to which the EVENT input is compared.
This variable can be modified by the program, its default value is 1.
Automatic operation zone to be monitored.
This word is used to specify which automatic operations zone is being monitored by the diagnostics DFB.
  • Manufacture : n°1
  • Reaming : n°2
  • Threading: n°3
AREA_ NR must have a value of 1, 2 or 3 for the user to identify which section of the automatic operation has a fault.
It is advisable to make the above division correspond with the division in the function module.
AREA_ NR can take on a value between 0 and 15.
The default value is 0.
Acknowledge request
This bit signals whether or not a DFB instance must be acknowledged by the operator :
  • OP_CTRL = 0 : not acknowledged by the operator,
  • OP_CTRL = 1 : acknowledged by the operator,
The default value is 0.